About to get an Ipad from Apple.com but I have a question

I am about to order an Ipad from apple.com and have my folks ship it over here, but I have a question. The adapter that comes with it, since back home they run on 110v and we use 220 over here, will there be a problem? I mean, will the device straight up short out or something if i tried to plug it in over here or should I play it safe and only charge it through the PC? Dumb question perhaps, but gotta know.
Get a converter. it is available here in doha. Enjoy your ipad....
Only can tell you, that we bought our IPAD in the US and brought it here, no problems with charging because power adapter is from 110 to 240v.
Or you can charge your IPAD with the USB cable through computer.
Enjoy your IPAD !