Technical Question --- Telephony ????

By the-birdie •
Dear Friends, I have today confronted a unique experience, which I wanted to share. Also would like someone to explain the technical reason.
I have a friend "ABC" in Saudi and his number is stored in my mobile as +96614766PQR
I have another friend in Messaied "XYZ" whose number is exactly same as the last 7 digits of about Saudi number, means 4766PQR. ( Messaied friend number is NOT stored )
Today I got a call from Messaied friend, but the Mobile shows as "ABC calling ............. "
why ???????????????????????????
normally phones check last 7 digits to check the numbers in contact database.. further more Qtel callerid send only the telephone numbers (without international code) for any local calls or local mobile calls. so your phone matches it with your saudi friend and shows its him.
hello friend,you need to store no. with country codes to get rid of errors.
Your phone is checking the closest match, and the last 7 digits match, so it's assuming the first part is an area code.