how to make documents secured?
I have lots of documents/clips instore in my laptop. Some of my friends would just sit in front of it without me knowing. Is there a way I could hide this docs for them not to see or able to open at all? I would like to hear from somebody who has more understanding in keeping files private. Thanks in advance.
donwload the software and keep your password with you.
there are programs such as "folder locker" google it and download. you can set a password to your assigned folder.
the first response seems complicated but i do appreciate it. Is there a simple/shortest way? getting extra hard drive would just add extra work and accessories on my computer. I just thought you could simply "locked" that certain folder doesnt have to be the whole partition, so that other user couldnt able to OPEN or VIEW the content of that folder. I am using my personal laptop but for some situation you can't control still others would have to ask or beg for permission.LOL!
If you want to hide a folder like C:\Docs
Go to the cmd prompt and be at the C:> prompt and type attrib +S +H Docs . This just sets the attributes of the folder to secret and hidden. Now even if somebody tries to view the hidden files through folder options, this folder will not show up.
To see the folder again go to cmd prompt and type attrib -S -H Docs
Or just follow simple security procedures like logging out or locking your station everytime you leave your desk.
Or get some software like or folder lock .
I will blame you for this coz; you encouraged your friends for this. Set your laptop a password and do not forget to lock the system every time you leave unattended. You can create personnel folders in system drive and make them visible under your login only.
To make it more handy, if its just documents, store them in a flash drive..or as already said, set a password. Or if you cannot avoid having your friends tinker on your laptop, create/add a guess user for your friends and separate yours as an administrative user..this way they wont be able to access your personal addition, change the properties of your documents to hidden to make them invisible for the moment so if you happened to forgot logging-off and left your laptop logged-on for friends while taking a pee..:)
guru why don't you buy yourself an external hard drive and keep those sensitive files in that unit instead of the laptop.
Yet another option and like B2D says is to password protect the access to the laptop, or even the files/folders in which these items are stored.
In the end is up to you to keep anyone away from these files.
Do a little search on the internet there are several diuscussion forums in which these kind of topics are held and plenty of responses are available for "all kind of users".
Just set your laptop password.