the faces of asian beauty center

By shradha999 •
hello people what is ur opinion abt the faces of asian beauty center?is this good place for hair staightening.which is recommended asian beauty/mashatta/rehab or pls sugggest a saloon which does goos straightening work..
looking for your immediate feedback. hair is going curly again.need help asap
La Diva De Quafeir Beauty Centre...All Staff from David's Saloon in the 55299944- 77202186-44316286
all Beauty Center and beauty saloon here in Doha. offering the same service. But,consider the workmanship and the knowledge aspect or experience who do the job. The skills aspect who do the job has that esperience? on Hair rebonding/staightening for over 30 yrs in business the capabilities of doing this job including the technical know how and aspects of applying the medicines and doing treatment. 30 yrs of experience in GOING STRAIGHT and DAVID SALOON is more than enought to prove our field. Whether you feel as though you want clarification on Hair rebonding or Hair straightening, then our friendly staff at The Faces of Asian Beauty Center will be happy to help.
Doha Beauty Center - Qar 800/- for medium length
A LOT of people who have done straightening are looking for ways to regrow or revive their hair. Some have even turned to hair extensions.
Coincidently, Doha Beauty Center offers both services. Funny huh ?
My advice girlfriend, would be to apply some serum / heat proof cream on your hair after wash and blow dry it. Don't spoil or loose your lovely locks to harsh chemicals. Just trust me.
One is there in Lulu hypermarket too!!!
Al Ahli beauty saloon, Mattarkadeem.....
Ah! i would always recommend you to visit DOHA BEAUTY SALOON (1st floor in LULU hypermarket, 4 4365772)..The service is good and very economical..