Xbox 360 Elite Xbox LIVE!!!!!

Hey there QLers!
I recently bought an Xbox 360 Elite and its really cool.
then, i bought the wireless network adaptor to connect to the xbox live.
so i connected it to my 360, it caught the router in my house. at first, u hv to choose a Locale, but Qatar is not in the list!
so i had lots of troubles getting on Xbox live...
can anyone help me out?
i just bought an elite few weeks ago, i tried to activate xbox live but it wouldn't work! so now(presently) i download it's games from the computer , (they r about 6 gb and all) then i burn them on a hd-dvd cd(8.5 gb) and they work perfectly
i have an xbox 360 elite too you can play online because there isn't a game server in the middle east the easy way to play online is to find more poeple that have an xbox 360 and xbox 360 elite and then download leaf 2006 to your computer open link go to your desktop and open leaf 2006 then make an account connect your computer and xbox to you wireless router only use ethernet cables after your done with your connection go to your leaf account and click the game server and make a network with all you friends if you don't understand go to after you do all of that tell everyone that has an xbox 360 or elite to do the samething and my leaf 2006 account is MOHBRO i might not be able to play because i need an adopter for my xbox 360 because i got mines in america
how much is the wireless network adaptor
ok firstly, what Locale do i use here in Qatar? cuz my e-mail address is not associated wid USA or the others tht i tried. thts the only problem...
In the book of life, the answers aren't in the back.
Sure i can help u out, what is the problem? if u cant get on xbox live from ur xbox, do it on
Una palabra no dice nada, Y al mismo tiempo, Lo esconde todo - Outlandish