traffic fine

i was going to hamad emergency hospital in serious pain with my husband and my husband stopped on red signal and as there was no traffic in mental stress he thought that green signal has come for our lane and we broke the red signal but he came back immediately when he realized that green light has not come for our lane.speed was 12km/hr when we broke the signal.He got 7 points and 6000QR and the car regestration has also expired.I have an emergency registration certificate of hospital of that time . Will it help? when we broke the signal at 2:00 am there was no traffic and after breaking it in mental stress we took our car in reverse. Will the traffic dept. understand our problem?
I once got a parking ticket removed. I was pregnant and driving along and started to get contractions. I went to the hospital but there was no parking so I parked on the curb. When I came out of the hospital (false labour)the police were writing the ticket. I told him what happened and he told me to go to the police station. I took an emergency report from the hospital, explained and ticket gone.
I am not sure if it will work with a red light or not but it is worth a try. ____________________________________________________
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
Oh, thanks, Qureshi, that's all we needed was for someone to find a way to beat the red light/speeding system here. I feel so much safer on the roads now!
if ur call registration expired less then 2 months not a problem for that , and if u have medical proof that u was going to hospital for emergency , dont worry take that one to officer there and talk to him and i am sure he will waive it , one of my freind had same problem and they waived his fine bcoz he was having medical certificate for the same time and same date , dont worry just go to traffic department in madinat khalifa near immigration office .
-- what time the offence occured ?
-- Do you have a concrete proof that you were rushing to
the HMC EMergency ?
-- Does the HMC docuemnt shows the same date / time of
the offence taken place ?
I think YOU WILL GET reprieve from the fine, if you put up your case cleverly. You may need to type a letter in Arabic stating the circumstances and fotocopies of the HMC document.
Regarding our "Car Registraton also expired"... pls dont write this very casually. For this, you may be fined. As Novita says, it may be QR. 1000. And it is not a petty offence
tallg is right
Defenatly its was an emergency and you have proof of that so go n check with them and clear everything.
expired registration is QR 1000 fine.
beyond that, maybe putting more trouble on you already...
means no more chance to procrastinate eh :(
you just put-in "regestration has also expired" as if it was just a simple thing.
i also got a traffic fine of 6K and 7points :( :( way back september last year.
how i got it?
well, i took a u-turn at airport/matar qadeem signal. and i almost barely beat the orange light... but still i got caught.
it was a nerve wracking thought from there onwards until the day before yesterday when i am required to renew my "istimara"
well, there was a huge sigh of relief after visiting madina khalifa traffic office. i got a copy of photo taken at the violation time and brought to their reviewing personel... and after a few minutes of thinkering over the video recording, he reduced my fine from QR6K to QR500!!!
at that moment... who could be more happier than me?!
the experience tells me that they were considerate enough to assess the gravity of the consequences.
yeah, if you can tell them the real situation at that instance... i think they will understand and re-consider.
Good Luck :)
Traffic Patrol Dept. the one who control and monitors all the cameras in Doha. They will reduce the fine. Im not familiar with the area, it is after the The Landmark.
Hope it will help.
"katas ng qatar"
Looks like you still take the consequences.Oblige to pay.
Break the Law Pay the Price. you deserve it. No symphathy in Traffic Police.
i suggest you go there with arabic speaking friend and ask your friend to explain to them.
You wont know unless you ask them.