Sponsorship change during RP Expired please advice

I am working here as Resident Engineer in one Govt company through a private company.
Now the Govt company is in a process to hire me on there payroll and i got a NOC from my present employer.
I have finished my Medical and have submitted my documents for CEID clearance but at present my RP is expired.
Can my Sponsorship change process still be completed? Thanks
to cut a very long boring story short. Ive got a travel ban thanks to the company.
to cut a very long boring story short. Ive got a travel ban thanks to the company.
to cut a very long boring story short. Ive got a travel ban thanks to the company.
why dont u drop the case and leave peacefully...u can not expect anything to improve better in this country
I did. 2 month into the grace period i went to labour department and started a court case against them. WASTE OF TIME!!!! (You get 90 seconds in front of a judge if your lucky to postpone case by 30 days) and lawyer want 15000-30000 each time, you get a translator so doing it alone. They now used tactic of reporting me to CID for not going into work, after my firm was issued papers and the court had already started !! The court is aware and told me that no action is taken for out of date RP and CID notification because court is ongoing!!!!!!!!!!!
go to labour department before the police deports you
Well this will make you laugh then. I am currently expired by almost year. My company aren't paying me, wont let me come into work, wont renew my RP and wont give me a NOC. ANY ADVISE!!!
When you go for sponsor change the officer will notice the rp expiration and accordingly when he issues a new id card it will be renewed accordingly
yes it can be done...grace period of 1 month...but still under process so not an issue
w8 for the response.... I need also clarification from others. we are same situation but my QID will be expired on August 28