selection of car

By shaileshpatel •
Dear friends, any body i have idea about ford explorer 2013 model, because i like Toyota Prado V6 TXL as well as Ford Explorer XLT-2013 model?
I have to select any one from this.
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Whats ford ??
Ford Explorer is not to be compared with Toyota.... Better go for Prado, atleast resale value is much better of Toyota then Ford...
recently I got my TXL V6, even , I was also of confusion mind to select which one, finally took the decision of TXL V6, for an expat do not what is tomorrow in this country,if a situation comes to dispose immediately which car will get you ready money/buyer.
Secondly for Spares,Toyota is beter than Ford price wise and availability, my friend has one Ford Focus, in parking some one broke one side mirror and one rear lamp, he could not get immediately so he has to spend couple of weeks to search in Industrial area from scrap shops.
I prefer Toyota than Ford, don't believe in doubling etc etc, expatriate stay is like Bauble on the water here.
well said molten metal.
never heard about such a comparison... Toyota Vs Ford!!
25 % Saved today can be invested in a Mutual Fund / Stocks etc.
Assume this 25 % doubles in 5 years.
Shailesh can sell his old Explorer and buy another brand new Explorer again without adding anything from his pocket [ or borrowing from his wife ], whereas his neighbour will be driving his 5 years old Prado.
Shailesh what do you say on this ?
The Prado will keep its price better..
Same features at 75 % cost.
What do you say Shailesh ?