resign from the company

By rendy_binyo •
does anyone know bout resignation proses from the company in qatar.......Csz i was resigned from my company with 1 month notice,after finished the 1 month notice they (company) still not allow me to leave this country,,,,They (Company)told me that they need to process my papper for 2 weeks more...Is it alright & based on qatar rules or no???I do really need your (QLers) advice for this case
Talk to your immediate senior and take him in confidense. Rules are hardly followed as there are several loopholes in them.
when you joined the company ?
did you complete your contract period?
what was the clauses metioned in the contract - incase of resignation ?
are you asking for a repatriation to the home country ?
or you look for a release from the Sponsor ?
---- alot of things are depended upon these questions
They should pay you 2 weeks salary.