Problem did any one get that click it thing?

I was stupid enough to check out that stupid click it thing,, when I press it,,
it kept saying click it.. does this mean i have a virus,.,\\\\
what do I do now..?
Worried about it... would appreciate any help... thanks
Cheers Fairy
You suck who ever posted it!
Just your timing...
Never mind...
You can't teach experience...
I look familiar??? Where do you think you saw me?
You don't look to familiar to me.
Thank you all for the info... I probably did get a virus downloading some things,, I shouldnt have been downloading!
:( Not porn !!!
You look familier...
You can't teach experience...
It Just click on my mind that there is a lot of clicking going around at 3:00 am in QL.
I'm clicking into my bed and good night.
The Red Pope of Qatar Living
if you have a link to it now... i can tell you what it is
more than likely its just a joke...
if you left that page and nothing different has happened then you are fine...
do you have any type of anti virus soft wear... if not
there are a few free things out there you should look into... i think nod is free...
but majority of virus come from downloading (this may sound funny but its true) Porno and online games...
but basicly anything you download that isnt certified or tell you a list of what you are downloading has a chance of being a virus... but if your just clicking something and nothing is downloading ... chances are its just a joke...
good luck
just hanging out and watching dvd's with helen keller... kind of a quite night.
so you clicked the same one i did ?
lol .... just kidding ! but you should be careful from such links, i did the same once and got Torjan (hidden virus) downloaded in my laptop, got all my personal stuff hacked since i leave my PC on for 24hrs. When i noticed that lots of pop-ups are appearing in my PC then only i realized that my PC got infected by Torjan virus.
I had to format my HD since there was no other option left.
Wakeup now ;-)
I am going to sleep! :p
In the end your System will be rebooted .... if not then the system will forward all your personal emails to QL users ;-0
so watz you going to do now?
Kid if your reading this I will let you off the hook this time!
Next time you will find me in your room hiding in the closet with costume just like the one in SCREAM!
Do you still have that message? IF not then you are fine .. IF it is there just apply a system restore to a previous day, few days or a week and it would be fine again ...
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)
he is just a lil kid bless him let him have fun.
Do you know the person incharge of writing that forum. ???
If you do.. take me to him when I get back... ;)
no am not serious just a lil bit teasing LOL
ah thats nothing dont worry. did piss me off the first time when i found this on a website was clicking for almost 10min reading all what the hell is this.
This isn't funny.. are you serious :( Now I am really pissed off...
if you are serious I am gonna kick some buddies *** when I come back to Doha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If they have got ***** to show up!
you have a dangerous virus in ur pc. such virus steals all your data and all personal information stored on ur pc. quick quick format ur pc :D
I didn't look at it at all
You can't teach experience...
thank you all hope you are all right.. :(
I never clicked that one, but if it was showing you endless messages in small message boxes then it has nothing to do with your PC. It is just a 'Java Script' that will keep on showing those messages every time you will click it. If it is giving you any messages in the system tray or anything else then it might be an Ad-Ware or Mal-Ware ...
From what I can see here, it is just a script ...
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)
Just keep clicking till you poor finger yells back at you in pain!! it's a joke… ummm a kinda lonnnngggg one!
No worries khales. The author meant well..I'm sure.
I clicked it and cussed the guy out in a message, but got a warning from the admin is not at all a is a kinda joke...
i dont know how to explain what that was..hope sumone does