Personal loan,Which Bank to choose ?

By hi2ueverybody •
I want to apply for personal loan about QAR 3,00,000 but confused about the offer from banks i.e-
1) Al Khaleeji-EMI-Approx.7000 QAR for 4 yrs
Initially granted Only QAR 2,00,000 (because of my liabilities) & after 3 months I can apply for remaining QAR 1,00,000.No processing fee & minimum insurance charges.
2) Mashreq-EMI-Approx QAR 6500 for 4 yrs.
Granted QAR 3,00,000.Processing & Insurance charges-QAR 12,500.
Why Processing & Insurance charges are so high in Mashreq ?
What the insurance is for Death benefit/Handicapped or jobloss ? how it covers ?
How is your experienced with these banks ?
I will be very greatful if advise on this.
Well you may choose BARWA BANK. It's a new bank in Qatar with lots to offer.
how about barwa ???
i agree. dont go mashreq. they are not friendly bank, more on promises but lack of action. lots of hidden etceteras...i heard that cbq isl ot better than the others though i didnt try this banks go for cbq
Qurz is a curse...
dont go 4 DB
Avoid mashreq, they have many hidden aspects which can cause a lot of trouble & loss for us. they are not customer friendly. Try CBQ.
Go for time-tested CBQ. They are asking a low interest rate.
Avoid choosing Mashreq for their lack of transparency and customer service.