New Born Screening/ Test
By asian_tigerusty •
Good day!
My wife is about to give birth sometime in December this year.
And with that we would like to know if HAMAD is having a new born test/ screening...since in our mother country it is one of the standard procedure and we think it is a very important? If not, how about in private hospital and clinic, do they perform these new born scrrening/ test?
Please advise us regarding this matter.
Thank you!
HMC is now performing screening tests for expat babies which used to be done for Qatari's only...Blood samples are sent to Germany (I was told) and if there's any positive result, parents will be contacted..otherwise if you don't receive a call, it means everything's alright
Yeah right, I was referring to the being performed right after the baby is born. As blood is taken from the infant's leg and this sample are used to test for specific deficiencies/ sickness and to find cure/ correction while at an early stage like for example deafness or G6PD.
So it is performed even in Hamad / and private hospital/ clinics? we were worried cause it will be our first baby and we wanted the best for her.
best regards,
how are you doing? i do believe he was referring to newborn screening blood and sonological tests. APGAR is a standard clinical evaluation used by peadiatricians all over the world.
this is done for all babies born everywhere.whereas anomaly screens and heamatologcal tests are more expensive and are done only if clinically indicated at most places,whereas hmc currently has a complete surveillance programme running.just thought id point it out.have a nice evening.
do it right - the first time!
there is a screening programme in hmc where they do dysplastic hips g6pd deficiences etc. Al ahli in private does this if indicated clinically.this is assuming that you have had a standard ultrasound anomaly screen at 18 weeks of gestation.
do it right - the first time!