new born baby visa

By sarahuman2000 •
Dear Friends, Any one please help me to clarify regarding the newborn baby visa requirement for Qatar with in 3 months travel from india. is it required visa ? or only passport is enough to travel with parents...??? for newborn baby's.
anyone faced the same problem ?...please advise me
Note:- Already both of us me and my wife having RP also my daughter 5 year old has RP and studying here.... newborn baby after 2.5 months we r planning to travel....from india. kindly advise me........ Many thanks for your valuable response...................make miscall me on 33586521 for suggestion
thanks mr. richard....yet i am little confusion . will u make miscall to 33586521
if you travel after 70 days you need visa. other wise he/she can travel with Mother visa..moreover Passport is must in both case.