new born baby visa

By sarahuman2000 •
Dear Friends, Any one please help me to clarify regarding the newborn baby visa requirement for Qatar with in 3 months travel from india. is it required visa ???? or only passport is enough to travel with parents...??? for newborn baby's. Note:- Already both of us me and my wife having RP also my daughter 5 year old has RP and studying here.... newborn baby after 2.5 months we r planning to travel....from india. kindly advise me........ Many thanks for your valuable response...................
yes , in this Case you can bring your Baby Before 2 year , With Out Visa, You will Get an On arrival visa, The Birth certificate should be attested Ref Qatar Airways Bulletin no.017/2015, dated Feb 02/2015
Brother mohdali. Thanks for your response. Will you make a miscall on 33586521 . i have a some confusion over the visa. here too one bother told that the birth certificate need some attestation .....please make mak miscall on 33586521. i will bring bck my family on january 5 , at that time my child will be just 70 days ...
If baby is born in India, you only have to get birth certificate attested from Home Ministry-India, Ministry of Ext. Affairs-India, Qatar Embassy-India & Notary-India. These all attestations you can do by giving to some reliable attestation agency.
But up to 3 months old baby, no prior visa is required. You will get On-Arrival visa at HIA - Qatar. Just you have to carry original & attested birth certificate with passport while traveling from India to Qatar. All the best !
Dear, If the baby born in Qatar, first collect the birth certificate then go to Indian embassy for passport then apply in garafa main passport office with mother as sponsor.
Baby Born in India i think upto 3 months no need of visa.
i brought my baby within 3 months and i got visa on arrival...check this site