need a sucession

By ashantiatma •
its being 4 years and 2 months in qatar recently i change to a company and its being 1 year. now company make some false documents and going to terminate to me .i talk with them if u don,t need me than give me the paper so that i can see for the another company but the company staff are saying that they will send me back to country. so in this condition what shall i do for the noc papers . need a guideline . plz
thanks alot gene-lv ,rambo 31 and absolut walker for uor advice but things is like this they are not agreed to give me the noc paper and i want to know do have any right to ask for the paper or if they send me do i have right to ask the remaining months salary .
Approach labour deptt in industrial area.
Ask for an NOC (No Objection Certificate). This paper will allow you to return to Qatar LEGALLY at anytime, if you find a new employer. Good Luck. Meanwhile, while still in Qatar, look for a job and if you find one, give them your NOC so that they can process your work visa the moment you live Qatar.