Worst night mare - I came from work and park my car asusalle under the tree out side my villa because it helps with heat. suddenly I noticed big bang when I went out this is what I saw. my car was crushed under a huge part of the tree that fell right on my car mirror. the is crushed as you can see.
Now can anybody please help with whom I have to contact because I want to get rid of the huge tree and second will I have to pay 3000 - 4000 by my self to fix the front mirror of car? as this is not traffic accident so what would be the procedure? also I had to ask a small crane to come and remove the tree from the car and I paid them also.
Please help!
please give me Rumailah - Mental hospital number and also give me your wastaa there. I am sure you have right ;)
Poor birds lost their nests.
Lol expert !
who's telephone number should I give you brother ? :)
Hamad Hospital ?
Rumailah - Mental hospital ?
Travel Agents ?
Pharmacy ?
Qatar Vetinary hospital ?
Plz advice ? :)
really Rizks ! help give telephone number or tell me what to do. now the damage is done, no use of crying over spilled milk.
funny guy Rizks.
why didn't you park inside the villa in the first place ?
Nothing Guys, we spoke with insurance as this is not considered accident so not covered, we went to private repair shop they are saying they need police paper and police is not able to understand how this is possible. so they said come tomorrow and meet with al Amal police. So ya .. nothing so far, my car is still in same condition, the only difference is now its parked inside the villa :P
are you still inside the car and posting on QL ? :)
I wonder how did tat big tree fell on your car by itself ?
expert, what happened next, ur car might be at the garage by now, hope u get it back soon.
How sad !!! you ought to have called police or civil defence rescue for help.
Call your car insurance and report to them if it is covered under scheme, you may get partial compensation. Collect police report also afr their inspection.
Call you car insurance company.
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