Moving to Qatar in September

Hello all
I am moving to Qatar in September and wanted to few things such as
1) Whether getting visa for the family is a big problem over there? The company has given the family status, but people are scaring that getting family visa in Qatar takes long time.
2) Is there any paying guest accommadation type facility in Qatar? I was told it is existing in UAE, but not sure of Qatar.
3) How difficult it is to get a decent 1/2 bed room in good locality and approximate rent.
Thank you for sparing you valuable time.
We should have a sticky at the top of the site that says "Please do a search before posting a topic."
We're really very helpful, kjskar, but we've answered these types of questions so many times. Please read what's already been posted and if you have further questions we'll be glad to help.
try to use search function button ... your question been discussed many times before.
good luck