Moving to Qatar

Some questions about Qatar...
Hi All;
I am a 24 years old guy from Turkey.
I got a job offer in Qatar and as you can guess I have tones of questions in my mind, mostly about Life in Qatar.
Most important thing that conserns me is, religion and conservativeness.. How is that in Qatar? Can I live a life like in Turkey or Europe? Like can I drink, Can I go out and socialise with people at night? Or how different things are?
Also about cost of living, as a single man, living alone, how much per month would be enough for me to live a comfortable life and save some money on it?
Thank you very much.
Kindest regards
how quick are Qlers to the conclusion.
dont follow their religion to the book .... my ex never had pork but enjoyed full english breakfasts lol and drank loads lol lol ..... but most of the turks i know are like that ....
dont follow their religion to the book .... my ex never had pork but enjoyed full english breakfasts lol and drank loads lol lol ..... but most of the turks i know are like that ....
hahaha qs nice catch :)
he didnt mention his religion
aren't you a muslim? as a muslim you shouldn't drink even in Turkey or Europe, should you?
wk , u forget to tell him about the NOC :(
to have your passport on you every time you go to a bar otherwise they wont let you in .... be prepared its quite expensive.... but worth it ... the quality is good ...good luck and enjoy it...
I ment bars and stuff... Not like drinking at parks :)
Thanks for the advice and the answer :)
If you have a valid alcohol purchasing license you can buy and drink alcohol at your own home. There are also bars and clubs in the various hotels around Doha. Unless it is a bar/club I don't advise drinking alcohol in a public because it may be illegal.
Thank you very much for fast reply.
Yes you can drink, you can go out and you can meet people anytime of the day.
As for expenses, that's relative so don't know