
By Scotladcal

Why it is you cannot exchange scottish notes (gbp) in Qatar ? They will only accept bank of England . There are at least 5 other banks in uk that print their own notes so why do do they only accept English notes ? It is all stirling pounds !!

By GodFather.• 28 Feb 2013 14:35


By snessy• 28 Feb 2013 14:12

Anger management, anyone?

By timebandit• 26 Feb 2013 15:07

Yea, yea, yea

By azilana7037• 26 Feb 2013 14:37

that Asian women marry British blokes for the who's being judgmental and racist...pmsl

I'm married to a Scottish...but no intention of getting any citizenship other than what I already have, thank you...NOT INTERESTED. I go home penniless back to my country, I can still survive and live.

For you guys, you lose your jobs, you go home to MOTHER ENGLAND and you either live off from welfare funds, brave the cold and starvation.

I'm not being judgmental, I'm being realistic.

TRUTH HURTS...especially when it hits the mark. In this case, it surely did.

By Scotladcal• 17 Feb 2013 23:41

People of the world ? Hahaha ! Thanks for the advice :) I'm 23 and already have friends all over the world , but yeh thanks big fella I'll remember and eat my porridge .

By blisteringbarnacles2007• 11 Feb 2013 14:38


The best scene is... when he roars "...they can take our lives but they cannot take away our freedom"... sublime!

By britexpat• 11 Feb 2013 10:59

You do know that it was only a film :O)

"brave heart" is actually alluding to Robert the Bruce and not William Wallace.

By blisteringbarnacles2007• 11 Feb 2013 09:41

Braveheart was an awesome movie...

Scotladcal... they are all just pulling your leg... easy now...

By anonymous• 10 Feb 2013 15:04

Oh dear the Scotch seem very sensitive this week. Maybe Alex Salmon forget to pack their whisky rations when they left their homeland....

By therealone• 10 Feb 2013 15:01

Scot, We're people of the world and have friends from all over the world. Maybe you will too, when you finally grow up!!

By timebandit• 10 Feb 2013 09:01

For goodness sake man.... eat some porridge and get some hairs on yer chest will you.

By Scotladcal• 8 Feb 2013 00:55

Funny everyone claims to have friends in scotland ! Good old Joe , clearly you need to look at a map of gb . It's not about being sensitive , It's about you guys trying to effectively bully people on this site . Don't be so rude ! You have insulted me without reason and now have all ganged up on a woman who was trying to genuinely help . Which is what this site is for . No ? Shame on you !

By Scotladcal• 8 Feb 2013 00:44

Away and fuck yourself you cheeky bastard

By Good old joe• 4 Feb 2013 17:59
Good old joe

The scots and the Welsh living off the Brits and the Brits livng off the money stolen and looted from its previous Empire and the rest of the commonwealth countries. Looks like a interesting chain of events

By anonymous• 4 Feb 2013 07:18

ha ha, probably the first thing she will do is claim benefits and sit at home. Next it will be in The Scottish Sun, foreign scroungers get British Passport to sponge of the system....

By Tarot• 4 Feb 2013 05:56

I bet you won't be saying no to a British passport when you've been married for long enough to your British bloke.

Read more:

She will have to wait around 6 years for that to happen. Our government has clamped down on social climbers.

& ScotLadCal get a sense of humor and stop being a sissy

By therealone• 4 Feb 2013 02:03

You are the first Scot I've come across who doesn't have a sense of humour. Thankfully none of my Scottish friends are sensitive like you.

What is your problem Azilana? If someone is born in the UK, they ARE British. One of my closest friends is born in the UK but his parents were actually from St. Lucia. Neither he nor I would say he's St. Lucian. Racist people like you have a chip on your shoulder. I bet you won't be saying no to a British passport when you've been married for long enough to your British bloke.

By matapouriboy• 3 Feb 2013 20:30

I'm half French and half Scottish. One half of me loves to drink, and the other half doesn't want to pay for it.

By Molten Metal• 3 Feb 2013 19:27
Molten Metal

how beautiful is the Scotland !

By anonymous• 3 Feb 2013 18:47

Don't forget Fanny McBeaver the famous Scottish harlot.....

By anonymous• 3 Feb 2013 18:46

Sean Connery is so Scottish he lives in the Bahamas! Well that and he never stops banging on about independence.

By Scotladcal• 3 Feb 2013 18:19

Thank you for your kind comments the lonius ! But jack Daniels is not Scottish , try a bottle of  

Glenfiddich that's what we probably drink the most . Good whisky at a reasonable price !

By Scotladcal• 3 Feb 2013 18:09


By britexpat• 3 Feb 2013 18:05

I've worked in Aberdeen with the oil riggers and in Edinburgh with Scottish Widows. Even gone to Blackpool with them. Had lots of fun and jokes with the Scots. My mentor was a guy from Wishaw.

I always teased them about always saying "going over the border" when talking about visiting England.

Never had any problems...

By Scotladcal• 3 Feb 2013 18:00

That's just daft mate iv not met an Arab yet that can speak good English so who are they to judge ?

By Scotladcal• 3 Feb 2013 17:53

Just to clear it up , Scottish people do not like being called British ! Most will quickly correct you lol ! But we don't hate everyone , just the English ! But to be fair most Irish and welsh hate the English too . Scotland has no place for racism ! As for the notes being dodgy , it think it depends where your from , they certainly are not dodgy in Scotland . Everyone seems to say they love Scotland haha I'd love to see you take some of this banter in to a pub in Glasgow ? Have you heard of a Glasgow kiss ?

By anonymous• 3 Feb 2013 17:50

Yes AZ, I was speaking to wee Jock McJock last night at the Scottish Embbasy (Sherazad) and he said Filipinas who marry Scots suddenly get full of their own self importance and very judgmental. He says those that live in palm tree houses should not throw pint glasses.

By britexpat• 3 Feb 2013 17:40

Not being judgemental ? That's a laugh.

"I'm not being racist or judgmental on people but I find it funny that those who act so pompous of the citizenship they have are not actually from that country"

Let the Scots speak for themselves. They know a lot more about the country and its humour than you do..

By azilana7037• 3 Feb 2013 17:33

I find you cheeky...that's my opinion of you.

People could twist their words to their likings...but I'm not. So sleep on it.

I'm not being racist or judgmental on people but I find it funny that those who act so pompous of the citizenship they have are not actually from that country.

Again, my opinion...

The OP posted a legit question and you guys made fun of it...but when the focus shifted the other way, it's judgmental, racist and whats not....what a bunch of hypocrites...

By timebandit• 3 Feb 2013 06:07

azilana7037 I was not being anything like cheeky. I travel (or used to anyway) to Scotland quite a lot. And I do love the place, and I do love the people! And to anyone that doesn't know what Scottish Notes are, they do look dodgy.

And what's wrong with recommending he takes his notes home with him when he goes? If I have sterling left in my wallet when I come back to Qatar, I simply keep it for the next time I go home. I certainly do not have any animosity towards the Scottish, but I am developing a bit towards you. How dare you be so judgmental, who the heck do you think you are?

Wind yer neck back in girl.

By anonymous• 2 Feb 2013 17:13

Tah, whether the scots speak English or not is open to debate. Most Arabs in the Middle East would say no

By therealone• 2 Feb 2013 17:11

It's always a non Brit who mentions colour and points out you only hold a passport but you're not actually British. Most Brits don't have an issue with someone of colour being British but people like Azilana seem to! Funny that. I should mention it, because it seems to be of such importance to you, I'm white.

By britexpat• 2 Feb 2013 16:58

pity you don't know much about Scotland.

I have worked and lived there. People are amazing and full of good humour and willing to take and make jokes.

As far as independence goes.. Here's a small video of a die hard seperatist amd Scottish team supporter..

Nuff Said :o)

By GodFather.• 2 Feb 2013 15:43

Azi no body said any thing about you so why you getting the hump po? :)

By GodFather.• 2 Feb 2013 15:42

QDCL couldn't agree more :)

By azilana7037• 2 Feb 2013 15:36

coz you're Bitish citizens with British passports and caucasians...enuf said :)

By anonymous• 2 Feb 2013 15:26

Well a jock is British regardless of what he says. Like a Texan saying he is not American, just not true.

By britexpat• 2 Feb 2013 15:13

This is strange.

I have a very good friend who is an ardent seperatist. One of his main complaints is that the British Passports only say "European Union United Kingdonm of Great Britain and Norther Ireland" on the front.

He wants it to say "Scotland"

By azilana7037• 2 Feb 2013 15:02

but the word SCOTLAND is embossed on cover of their passport...not United Kingdom.

I would dare you to say to a Scottish fellow that he's we could prove a point.

By GodFather.• 2 Feb 2013 14:16

Azi British and Scottish love to hate each other? Really Hmm technically Scots are also Brits!

By azilana7037• 2 Feb 2013 13:54

You are being cheeky...though I have a word in my head that aptly describes your attitude, but won't use it.

I know the British and Scottish love to hate each other...and whatever you hate about the Scottish folks, keep your animosity to yourself. The guy is asking a legit question and you act so stuffed up!!

By timebandit• 1 Feb 2013 20:34

I love Scotland, and I love the Scots. Fabulous place.

Just keep the dodgy looking notes and take them home with you when you go.

By Scotladcal• 1 Feb 2013 20:25

Iv been to UAE exchange , the one in city centre mall ?? They wouldn't accept :( it's all twenties . Cheers for the shout though mate !

By philrock• 1 Feb 2013 19:17

Take it to UAE exchange. They accept scottish notes

By Dj_Shade• 1 Feb 2013 16:48
Rating: 3/5

Aye, it's the same everywhere I think. I remember going to London and cab/bus drivers saying that they cannae accept it like. I was on a training course and that was all I had and I says to him (cab fella) take it or leave it!

Similarly when I was away to India it was the same so I remember going to the local markies because their atm prints out english notes or some banks if they are kind enough would give me what they can.

Tis' a major inconvenience I suppose.

By azilana7037• 1 Feb 2013 00:41
azilana7037 has been a great for people like me who are away from home. We argue, discuss, ridicule, insult one another "onboard" but its just stays onboard.

Stick around, you'll see :)

By Scotladcal• 1 Feb 2013 00:06

Thanks azilana . There are obviously nice people on here ! But there are people who I can picture just sitting on here constantly (probably whilst stuffing theyr faces and ignoring their family's ) looking for someone to hate on ! I just don't get why , theyr patter is awful !

By Scotladcal• 31 Jan 2013 23:59

I wish there was a like button for os architect lol

By azilana7037• 31 Jan 2013 23:54

but we maybe spending time there with my sister-in-law who's staying in Steinmuer(?)

I'm sorry if you find the other QLers a bit cheeky but onboard, they love to rile up the newbies for te fun of it due to boredom. Stick around a while longer...we're not a bad lot once you get used to the banters on the forum topics.

By Scotladcal• 31 Jan 2013 23:35

Snessy I am new but tbh I'm not going to post another question , you guys should be making others feel welcome on here , especially the younger generation . Not being a smug smart arse every chance you get

Thanks for the serious comments guys and for the questions about Scotland .

I do miss the green countryside already my house overlooks the forth and has a brilliant view , each morning here I am faced with another building the exact same as mine lol ! The weathers a nice change though I must admit !

By os_architect• 31 Jan 2013 20:30

The correct description is Troglodyti or Troglodytae. The "troglodytes" is a wrong taxon I am afraid :P.

By Rich• 31 Jan 2013 20:23

Another bus full of un-educated troglodytes to grace our temporary shores. Don't they interview them before they arrive?

By os_architect• 31 Jan 2013 20:14

Ooh yah cun'! Ha ha ha...Good one britexpat! Sleekit wee basturt :P

By britexpat• 31 Jan 2013 19:43

I remember driving up to the highlands. Sadly, my car broke down in Benavie. I knocked at the nearest hoose and asked if there was a mechanic nearby.

The lady thought for a minute, then said " Nooo. But we do have a McArdle at number 20 and a McKoy two streets down."

By FathimaH• 31 Jan 2013 19:36

I'm sure I would...I just love the mountains! Hope you and y'loved ones are doing well. xxx

By FathimaH• 31 Jan 2013 19:33

I'm from Sri Lanka. Which is quite a beautiful country too, specially hillside. But somehow your country is just beyond beautiful..specially after having stayed in Qatar for over 5 years somehow those views are like heaven on earth! Makes me wonder then how you must feel settling in. Wish you the very best all the same!

By anonymous• 31 Jan 2013 19:27

Definition of a Scotsman:

A Geordie with his brains bashed out

By britexpat• 31 Jan 2013 19:24

Wonder if Berwick will be claimed by the scots ?

By snessy• 31 Jan 2013 19:20

LOL! Scotladcal, you must be new to QL...I know it's difficult to read a person's tone in text, but you really need to chill out. They're all pulling your leg and you're rising to the bait.

FathimaH, you would love really is lovely :-)

By anonymous• 31 Jan 2013 18:51

I heard Gordon Strachan is already preparing for the next World Cup. He's just bought a new TV

By Scotladcal• 31 Jan 2013 18:35

You have changed your tune suddenly once someone else is genuinely interested in Scotland .

By britexpat• 31 Jan 2013 18:21

Been to Scotland a few times. Love the country. Love the people. Love fried Mars Bars. Got friends in Perth, Wishaw and Edinburgh..

By the way, I also love to see the haggis roaming free with their golden fleece contrasting against the heather :O)

By Scotladcal• 31 Jan 2013 18:16

Britexpat if you have nothing nice or constructive kindly do one please ! Yeh Scotland is a great for its beautiful countryside , me and my friends often go camping in highlands and up north ! Very peaceful and a great Place to escape after a stressful week working :) where are you from fathima ?

By britexpat• 31 Jan 2013 16:56

Yes, Scotland indeed is a beautiful place ..

By FathimaH• 31 Jan 2013 16:43

Amazing landscapes and gorgeous locations. You surely must miss all that natural beauty here in Qatar!

By britexpat• 31 Jan 2013 16:30

Lost ID:

Why do Scotsmen wear kilts?

I think it's to do with the sheep. They can hear a zip opening.

By Scotladcal• 31 Jan 2013 16:14

The reason it got so many comments is some people like to pick on a young Scottish lad only trying to get a straight answer . Why i do not know

By Scotladcal• 31 Jan 2013 16:12

Scotland Is a beautiful country mate and a very friendly place ! If you are nice to someone in Scotland they will be nice to you . If you want to know a little more about Scotland's history watch braveheart !! Haha . It will be on most torrent sites for download . Thanks for the reply , your right they don't accept Danish currency either , very strange !

By azilana7037• 31 Jan 2013 15:55

when we tried to exchange about 2,000 Sterlings last time. The guy on the other side of the counter look confused (must be 1st time he saw Scot currency).

Correct me if I'm wrong but I think Qatar doesn't accept Danish currency either?

By alex brod• 31 Jan 2013 15:12
alex brod

ah ....sorry it's toss...I think Im wrong...

By FathimaH• 31 Jan 2013 14:52

How did a post on currency inquiry get so many responses. Well I should have known....

For all it's worth, was nice to learn so much about Scotland. All I ever knew about were bagpipes and kilts!

By alex brod• 31 Jan 2013 14:47
alex brod

No hitting below the belt...Its should be discussed in proper forum and both parties equally represented, which each side to be heard until settlements attained ... for now lets toast... just fruit juice only... cheers...

By anonymous• 31 Jan 2013 14:30

>Why do Scotsmen wear kilts?

By alex brod• 31 Jan 2013 14:27
alex brod I thought this threads give us little "money "my little duckling ... but give me headache in reading answers...again we will not be part of it ... its time for your swimming....

By painther• 31 Jan 2013 13:52

Scotland is a beautiful Place, surely.

By Scotladcal• 31 Jan 2013 13:36

Ahahahahahaa one of you is a 50 year old IT worker and the other an ozzy RE teacher hahaha ! Priceless , you both obviously have deep personal problems so I'll leave it there

By Scotladcal• 31 Jan 2013 13:12

Peach ! How old are you out of curiosity ? I'm 23 and clearly have more self control than you both lol

By britexpat• 31 Jan 2013 13:06

You'll be glad to know that the man who threw a coin during the Celtic , kilmarnock match last night was caught immediately,

The coppers just followed the elastic band it was attached to.

By anonymous• 31 Jan 2013 12:49

Yep, all good fun.

Reminds me of being in an Indian newsagents in London and he tried to slip me a Scottish fiver in the change. I said I don't want that and he said he didn't want it either!

By Scotladcal• 31 Jan 2013 11:29

This is exactly why we will be better off independent ! Anyways gotta go pool is calling my name . Good to have a blether about this I love it !

By britexpat• 31 Jan 2013 11:26

Independence - The proof of the pudding will be in the eating.

At present England heavily subsidises Scotland. I hope they do get independence. Then we'll see what happens to free university tuition and free medicine.

Ofcourse , it will give extra importance to the home internationals...

By anonymous• 31 Jan 2013 11:23

And here is the BBC on the same subject recently

By anonymous• 31 Jan 2013 11:20

And here is the bit regarding the Bank of England guaranteeing Scottish notes. All can be found on the Bank of England website, well unless you consider that English propaganda.....

In ordinary everyday transactions, the term "legal tender" in its purest sense need not govern a note's acceptability in transactions. The acceptability of a Scottish or Northern Ireland note as a means of payment is essentially a matter for agreement between the parties involved. If both parties are in agreement, Scottish and Northern Ireland notes can be used in England and Wales. Holders of genuine Scottish and Northern Ireland notes are provided with a level of protection similar to that provided to holders of Bank of England notes. This is because the issuing banks must back their note issue using a combination of Bank of England notes, UK coin and funds in an interest bearing bank account at the Bank of England.

By anonymous• 31 Jan 2013 11:18

Your money isn't even legal tender

Are Scottish & Northern Ireland notes "legal tender"?

In short ‘No’ these notes are not "legal tender"; furthermore, Bank of England notes are only legal tender in England and Wales. Legal tender has, however, a very narrow technical meaning in relation to the settlement of debt. If a debtor pays in legal tender the exact amount he/she owes under the terms of a contract (and in accordance with its terms), or pays this amount into court, he/she has good defence in law if he/she is sued for non-payment of the debt.

In ordinary everyday transactions, the term "legal tender" in its purest sense need not govern a note's acceptability in transactions. The acceptability of a Scottish or Northern Ireland note as a means of payment is essentially a matter for agreement between the parties involved. If both parties are in agreement, Scottish and Northern Ireland notes can be used in England and Wales. Holders of genuine Scottish and Northern Ireland notes are provided with a level of protection similar to that provided to holders of Bank of England notes. This is because the issuing banks must back their note issue using a combination of Bank of England notes, UK coin and funds in an interest bearing bank account at the Bank of England. More information on these arrangements can be found at


By Scotladcal• 31 Jan 2013 11:10

Maybe staying out here has left you a little out of touch but the amount of debt Scotland has isn't even worth talking about when you compare it to what the uk is in at the moment lol . Clysdale bank and bank of Scotland notes both Garuntee to pay the bearer said amount at their head office . No bank of England backing there . That's why someone said I couldn't exchange them , because their not backed by the bank of England !

They reckon there is 60 percent more oil in the north sea than first expected , if we are independent it will take us out of debt in under 15 years . Scotlands government will fund the benefits system in a way that works ( unlike the current English decided system ) . We also won't be part of the eu so the mass influx of eastern Europeian cheap labour would be stopped as well . With the newly found oil money we could create jobs north of the border for our own people as currently almost 97 percent of oil profits have been spent in England ( mostly in London ) you can argue until you are blue in the face but the fact is England has nothin without scotland at the back of them . How do you propose England will pull itself out of debt withought any money from oil and Scottish taxes . Remember there are more millionairs north of the border than there are in England by a far so tax wise Scotland contributes a fair bit .

Anyway I see alot of criticism about Scotland but you have no argument or plan as to how englend will get itself out of the horrible recession and horrible debt problem they have caused ? Tony Blair was the smartest yet sneakiest pm we had , he knew Scotland was eventually going to see the light and began trying to make Scotland's sea beds part of England haha . Anyways hopefully it will be a better Econemy for all ! I

By anonymous• 31 Jan 2013 10:32

The irony of Scottish independence would be the disappearance of Scottish bank notes to be replaced by sterling. Currently the Bank of England guarantees the Scottish notes, however if the country was independent that would no longer happen. Why would a bank of one country guarantee the financial obligations of another!

As the SNP idiot has said they will keep sterling, so that would mean they would have the British pounds and Scottish notes would disappear. Therefore you would have no exchange problems around the world anymore

By GodFather.• 31 Jan 2013 10:05

Regarding the Bank Notes. The Currency Exchanges here do not see the Scottish Bank notes as profitable on the exchange market. We had the same problem when trying to change Swedish Kronor while the inlaws where in town.

By britexpat• 31 Jan 2013 09:56

One good thing. We will be able to rebuild Hadrian's Wall..

By anonymous• 31 Jan 2013 09:49

Well you will also have to take the debts of the Royal bank of Scotland which would cripple an independent country from the start and I wouldn't count on the oil either. What will you do rip up all the existing contracts and then watch Scotland become a pariah on the world financial markets. Plus how would you fund the current benefit system?,Scotland currently enjoys a subsidy much higher than the rest of the UK, unsustainable unless your raise taxes high.

Scotland could survive as an independent country but it would be small and insignificant and the rest of the UK would be happy so see the back of the whining scots and their huge Bank debts.

By Scotladcal• 31 Jan 2013 03:41

Ps , I only wrote this because you mocked my country and somehow think yours (england) is superior

By Scotladcal• 31 Jan 2013 03:12

Hopefully thats cleared things up , it's no wonder David Cameron is crapping it ! The rest Of the uk will struggle to pull itself out of recession as well unless they get rid of the incompetent English government .

By Scotladcal• 31 Jan 2013 03:07

Qdc lover , you do realize that if we Get independence The oil on the north sea will belong to Scotland . Oh and don't forget those nasty droughts you have most years , when water becomes short we shall start selling you it by the gallon lol . Just take a quick look to see how much that oil is worth . Andorra haha If you are Looking for North Sea Oil Facts & Figures they are at the bottom of this page, please scroll down slowly.

WTI Crude Oil

$97.99 ▲0.42   0.43%

2013.01.29 end-of-day

Scotland has much more oil and gas than previously thought, but the London government continues to neglect Scotland.

The London government's tax regime punishes Scotland's oil industry.

Meanwhile, PetroChina Co., China's biggest energy producer, hopes to take over Scotland's only oil-processing plant, which is at Grangemouth.

Secret plan to deprive independent Scotland of North Sea oil fields

In 1999 Tony Blair secretly made 6,000 MILES of SCOTLAND'S SEA - ENGLISH

by moving Scotland's marine boundaries from Berwick-up-on-Tweed to Carnoustie.

The shocking thing about this secret order is that it was not openly discussed in the Commons, passed by the house of Lords and then passed by a very select Labour and Liberal committee in the Scottish Office.

One wonders if, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the First of Scotland, knew how undemocratic this order was before she signed it ??

Sign our e-petiton to revoke the 1999 order that made 6,000 sq miles of Scottish sea and sea bed English. Alternatively support our facebook cause.

This unjust act secretly passed, without the consent of the Scottish People took 15% of oil and gas revenues out of the Scottish sector of the North Sea taking £2.2 Billion out of the Scottish economy. This lost revenue is more than the proposed £35 Billion Scottish budget cuts for the next 15 years (£2.16 Billion per year)

Documents detailing secret government plans in the 1970s to prevent Scotland laying claim to North Sea oil have been seen by The Times. They show the extraordinary lengths to which civil servants were prepared to go to head off devolution, which was seen then as inevitably leading to independence. read more of this article in The Times

Scotland gives LONDON all of its oil and gas revenues, in 2008 these were worth a massive.

£380 a second, £22,831 a minute, £32.8 million a day, £1 billion a month, £12+ billion a year

Scottish Crude Oil 18 Month High as of 6th April 2010 Brent Crude peaks at $86.63 a barrel

Experts calculate how much the Scottish Sea bed is worth more

Scotland's Oil Wealth that Westminster have hidden from the Scot's.

Since the North Sea Oil was discovered the powers in Whitehall have done everything in their power to deceive the Scottish people of the chronic surplus's of their economy. As proven by the 1974 report written by Gavin Mc Crone on Scotland's economy. This report was classified top secret due to its contents.

There has always been a debate / deceit about Scotland's fiscal position without oil.

The most recent Government Expenditure and Revenue Scotland (GERS) figures demonstrate that Scottish public finances ran current budget surpluses in each of the three years to 2007- 08, totaling £2.3 Billion. In comparison the UK ran a budget deficit in each of those years totaling-£24 Billion.

Balance on current budget - £ billions















A report by accountancy firm Grant Thornton shows that if an Independent Scotland received only 82.5% of North Sea Oil and Gas revenues (without out the 6,000 sq miles of Scottish waters, London made English in 1999) Scotland would have a budget surplus of £4.4 billion, with 95% of revenues (with Scotland's marine boundaries restored) this would increase to £6.2 billion. It is abundantly clear that Westminster’s financial black hole is being filled with Scotland’s black, black oil.

Please support and promote Scottish Independence join the SNP from a £1 a month.

Please help get the truth of Scotland's rich economy that is in surplus, opposed to the UK economy which is in deficit, out to those who are fooled by the barrage of lies from the London parties - click here

Norway's sovereign wealth fund: £259bn and growing

When North Sea Oil was discovered in the waters of Scotland and Norway in the late 1960's. Norway an Independent Nation smaller than Scotland with worst maritime weather than Scotland reaped the benefit of being in sole control of their oil revenues. Today 30 years after the oil started coming ashore Norway has created £259 Billion sovereign wealth fund. If Scotland had become Independent shortly after the rigged devolution referendum of 1979 Scotland would have accumulated a simi liar fund that would have easily covered the UK's £175bn budget deficit. Read the full story on Norway's success story

Should Norway openly support Scottish Independence by pledging to spend some of it £259 billion sovereign wealth fund in Scotland. Then promote North Sea oil, gas, wind, wave energy and manufacturing partnership deals among Norway and Scotland.

This alliance would be a major benefit to the Nations who control the North Sea.

Unfortunately London has controlled Scotland's oil revenues and sold off Scotland oil far to cheap, wasted it on the fall out from not joining the euro, fighting wars and has now used any surplus left on bailing out the banks that it failed to regulate. Unlike London, Norway are using their oil revenues to embrace Green Energy.

The London Government have committed themselves to building eleven new nuclear power plants which will cost substantially more than sustainable Green Energy.

Read the Scottish Governments white paper on Scottish Independence

Online Norwegian Translation ?

Skal Norge å åpne støtter Skotsk Uavhengighet ved den LOVE til å bruke noe av £259 milliard suverenere rikdoms fonds i Scotland. Da fremm Nordsjøen olje, gass, vind, bølgeenergi og produseringsepartnerskaphandel blant Norge og Skottland.

Les de Skotske Myndighetene hvit papir på Skotsk Uavhengighet.

Denne alliansen ville være en hovedfordel til Nasjene som styrer Nordsjøenen.

Dessverre har London styrt Skottlands oljeinntekter og solgte av Skottland olje fjernt til billig, sløste det på fallet ut fra ikke forbinde euro, som bekjemper kriger og nå har brukt noe overskudd som blir forlatt på trekke seg bankene som det unnlot til å regulere. Ulik London, Norge bruker deres oljer inntekter til å omfavne Grønn Energi.

London Myndigheten har seg forpliktet til bygger elleve nye atomkraftanlegg som vil koste vesentlig mer enn substainable Grønn Energi.

An oil find in the North Sea off Aberdeen has the potential to be one of the biggest discoveries of recent years.

EnCore Oil said the Catcher prospect is thought to hold up to 300 million barrels of oil, and further investigations could add to this.

It would make Catcher among the largest discoveries since the billion barrel Buzzard reservoir off Aberdeen in 2001.

Read the updated story in the Herald

A new oil and gas field in West Shetland is to be drilled for 176 million barrels.

Faroe Petroleum expects to get two cracks at drilling the UK Atlantic Frontier this summer.

The first is as a partner in OMV’s Tornado oil & gas prospect, the drilling of which should start in July. The second is Glenlivet, which operator DONG will spud in the autumn and where the target is gas.

The so-called P10 recoverable resource estimate stands at 176million barrels oil equivalent. That means the chance of finding that volume of hydrocarbons is just 10%, whereas the P50 (mean) figure is in the range 90-100million barrels.

However, there is scope for additional upside potential in the nearby Spitfire lead – perhaps about 27million barrels equivalent.

Successfully drill this field, would probably pave the way to reviving the nearby, but moribund, Suilven oil discovery of the 1990s. Read the full story. BBC News Report

Massive oil fields discovered on Rockall - Rockall is a rocky islet in the North Atlantic Ocean lies within 200 nautical miles from the Scottish Islands of North Uist and St Kilda.

As Scotland is the closest Nation with an existing Oil Industry, this could be another Scottish Oil Bonanza.

Rockall is a small, uninhabited, rocky islet in the north Atlantic Ocean. It gives its name to one of the sea areas named in the Shipping Forecast, provided by the British Meteorological Office. It could be, in James Fisher's words, "the most isolated small rock in the oceans of the world".

The ownership of Rockall is disputed as are the exploration and fishing rights on the Rockall Bank. Exchanges continue between the countries involved - the United Kingdom, Denmark (for the Faroe Islands), Ireland and Iceland. Rockall is now actually now part of the Scottish Western Isles.

Wikipedia The BBC The Guardian

Aberdeen firms report oil and gas in sidetrack well on west of Shetland prospect

Hopes are rising that the Tornado oil and gas discovery west of Shetland is large enough to be brought into production.

Aberdeen companies Dana Petroleum and Faroe Petroleum said yesterday that oil and gas had been found in a sidetrack well at the prospect.

Last month, the two firms said oil and gas had been located at Tornado. The discovery and sidetrack wells were drilled by operator OMV, the Austrian national oil and gas company.

Pre-drill estimates were for Tornado to have 90million-100million barrels of oil equivalent recoverable. Dana said last month that the thickness and quality of the Tornado reservoir was in line with pre-drill expectations.

The company added yesterday: “The gas-oil contact which was penetrated in the original well was encountered in the sidetrack at the same depth.

“An oil-water contact was penetrated in the sidetrack consistent with the oil column observed in the original well. Extensive sampling of the fluids has been undertaken.”

Dana chief executive Tom Cross said: “We are delighted to have discovered oil and gas in both the original Tornado well and the sidetrack well.

“A thorough analysis of data gathered is already underway.”

Read more:

Only a vote for the SNP will stop the Tories slashing more Scottish budgets etc.

North Sea Oil and Gas is an asset worth £234,000 for every man, woman and child in Scotland, according to the official London Government figures ?

The North Sea has almost as much oil left as has already been extracted, a BBC Scotland investigation has been told. Click for the Full Story on Scotland's remaining oil wealth that is worth £234,000 to you, each of your children and everyone you know that lives in Scotland.

North Sea Oil will last another 100 years

Oil industry analysts predict that North Sea Oil Production will continue for 100 years at least. Watch the video on Scotland's endless oil supplies

Read the Telegraph

Dr Richard Pike, a former oil industry consultant and now the chief executive of the Royal Society of Chemistry, said: "Rather than only getting 20 to 30 billion barrels [from the North Sea] we are probably looking at more than twice that amount."

Read the Daily Mail

"The North Sea is not running out at all, industry, analysts say.The full extent of reserves in the sea has never been known"

Oil is the UK's Largest Industry landing 700,000 barrels of oil per day more figures

We know from the UK government’s own figures that there could be as much as 38.7 billion barrels of oil left (calculation 38,700,000,000 barrels x £20.67 tax per barrel = £800 Billion in today's money this could reach £1.2 Trillion in 30 years time.) With just 35 billion barrels recovered to date we are still at the half way point for this important Scottish industry. What is more, given the premium placed on energy resources, there may be two-thirds of the revenues still remaining in the North Sea, with an additional £800 billion pounds to come from Scottish waters in today's money. The history of the price of oil

The choice for Scotland is clear – those revenues either flows south to London or they can be invested in Scotland for the people of Scotland.

Scottish Oil is worth £22,831 a minute, £32 million a day, £12 billion a year

Scotland could build 2 High Schools or 16 wind turbines a day with it's VAST oil revenue, if it did not give it to LONDON. In 66 days Scotland's oil money could pay for the rebuilding all Scotland's High Schools or in 16 days the World's largest wind farm! Another day it could fund building 256 two bedroom houses to solve Scotland's chronic housing problems or it could also give each Premier Division Club each £2.66 Million

Any modern economic policy requires a pragmatic energy strategy – something that is lacking in Scotland today. This paper sets one important step we must now take to ensure the benefits of the next thirty years of North Sea oil and gas are felt here in Scotland and contribute fully to a growing, more competitive Scottish economy. Described in the Conservative Commissioned Classified Mc Crones Report.

Oil Revenue from discovered oil that is left

Calculation £1200,000,000,000 (1.2 trillion) divided by Scotland's current population of 5,117,000 = £234,512 per each or average annual loss over 30 years = £7817 each per year. Westminster currently spends £8,623 per head on public services in Scotland. These figures are for oil and gas revenue only they do not include council tax, income tax, VAT, Corporation tax or the substantial revenues Scotland's makes from Tobacco, Alcohol, Whisky Production, Tourism or Renewable Energy etc. read more about the current 4.4 Billion surplus

Current Oil Revenue per annum

Calculation £1,000,000,000 (1 billion) per month divided by Scotland's current population of 5,117,000 = £195 each per day an average annual loss over £2345 each per year. See the 2006 "official" figures ?

Oil Revenue that has already been used

Calculation £250,000,000,000 (250 billion) divided by Scotland's current population of 5,117,000 = £48,856 per each or average annual loss over 30 years = £1628 each per year.

Scotland without oil revenues - i.e. as it is now, whilst part of the UK Union

The most recent Government Expenditure and Revenue Scotland (GERS) figures - without oil and gas revenues demonstrate that Scottish public finances ran current budget surpluses in each of the three years to 2007- 08, totaling £2.3 Billion. In comparison the UK ran a budget deficit in each of those years totaling -£24 Billion.

Balance on current budget

- £ billions















Scotland like Norway could have built up a £259 billion sovereign wealth fund retained its manufacturing base and avoided Scotland's £62.5 billion share of the London Government UK's debt of £175 billion.

If we make right choices, and follow the successful example set by Norway, even investing just a part of our oil wealth Scotland could have an Oil Fund worth almost £90 billion in just 10 years. That is £20,000 banked for every man, woman and child in our country.

Oil and gas - along with a set of pro-Scottish business policies – have the potential to transform Scottish prospects over the next 30 years. They are far too important to be left to London.

It is time to move on so Scotland’s precious natural resources can help fuel our nation’s future prosperity. This would also be better for the world, as a Scottish Government would not have the same need to extract oil at the same alarming rate that Westminster is. Current oil production has never been higher.

The Facts and Figure behind Scottish Oil

An asset for Scotland’s future

North Sea oil and gas represents a huge asset for Scotland. Taking UK government estimates for oil price and potential reserves, the total current value of North Sea oil is £1.2 trillion.

This is equivalent to total government spending in Scotland for 22 years. It is an asset worth £234,000 for every man, woman and child in our country.

Aberdeen tycoon says North Sea oil reserves worth extra £787 billion 09/09/2009

AN ABERDEEN oil tycoon has forecast the UK’s North Sea oil and gas reserves could be worth an extra £787 billion. Read more:

What Scotland has lost?

If Scotland had invested our share of North Sea Oil revenues between 1997 and 2004 in an Oil Fund, and if we assume a similar rate of return to Norway, then Scotland:

• We would have made a real rate return of £1.23 billion per year or £9.87 billion in total.

• We would have made a nominal rate (including inflation) of return of £1.72 billion per year or £13.78 billion in total.


Record Oil Revenues are costing every person in Scotland £2345 each a year

In his most recent financial report18 Gordon Brown forecast twenty-year record high oil revenues for next year and according to the Chancellor, over the six years up to 2010-11 we will see £74 billion in oil and gas revenues – equivalent to £14,000 for each person in Scotland. This past year revenues are forecast to be £9.7 billion, while in the coming year they will reach at least £10.2 billion (but as much as £12 billion on current world oil prices), beaten only by the revenues received in 1984-86 – as shown above:

GGBR in Scotland

Do the Scots and their oil subsidies the English?

The Great Deception of the Scottish People .

Read this in depth report that examines the lies that are fabricated by Westminster on the UK / Scottish Economy. (the diagram of statistics is at bottom of page) The Great Deception - GERS 2005

At present, all revenues raised from getting North Sea oil and gas ashore, and what added in Fuel Duty to Scottish Motorists is about £1bn a month. This currently goes directly to the UK Treasury. Read more

Commit to distributing these leaflets in your town and we will send you them

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You have the power to make Scots aware of our Oil and Green Wealth and the injustice that London regularly bestow upon Scotland.

Even if you are not Scottish or do not live in Scotland, please help stop the injustices and atrocities that are still being inflicted on Scotland and the Scottish People. Click here and make a difference in Scotland.

By anonymous• 30 Jan 2013 23:54

We all hope for Scottish independence, the new Andorra of Europe.

By Good old joe• 30 Jan 2013 20:07
Good old joe

Yeah hopefully the scots will get indepandance sooner then later so they dont have to blindly worship the queen day in and day out.

By dohaguy32• 30 Jan 2013 17:27

dont worry about soccer , Croatia is still know as soccer playing nation even getting rid of GERMANs

By Scotladcal• 30 Jan 2013 17:20

Thank you :)

By britexpat• 30 Jan 2013 17:18

Good Luck ! Hope it works out ..

By Scotladcal• 30 Jan 2013 17:13

Thank you , I believe we do have a right to independence . The referendum is definitely going ahead ! Keep up mate .

By Scotladcal• 30 Jan 2013 17:11

I asked a straight forward question and eventually got a straight answer , no chip on my shoulder . Stop being cheeky hiding behind your computer ! I get a visa no problem , remember England is only one of four countries that make up uk

By britexpat• 30 Jan 2013 17:01

Yes, but then Rangers and Celtic won't be able to play in the English league.. :O)

By dohaguy32• 30 Jan 2013 16:53

independence is their right , let them be if they want ,,,

By britexpat• 30 Jan 2013 16:49

They want to hold a referendum on the issue of independence from the United Kingdom..

Can't see it succeeding ..

By dohaguy32• 30 Jan 2013 16:32

wats gona happen in 2014 ,, any chances of UK division, like Russia ?

By anonymous• 30 Jan 2013 16:10

Bloody Jocks and their chip n the shoulder, I thought Qatar had stopped issuing Scotch Visas.

By Sense Mine• 30 Jan 2013 15:24
Sense Mine

ONLY scotch whiskey accepted here in QATAR!!!!!!!!

By Quixote• 30 Jan 2013 15:23

If printed by RBS then probably they are right not to accept them

By Scotladcal• 30 Jan 2013 14:49

Well what about the people in Ireland and Scotland , why should their money not be accepted ? I was told today Scotland is not in the uk and has a different currency ! With answers like this fingers crossed come 2014

By spybot• 30 Jan 2013 14:18

Personal issues????

By Good old joe• 30 Jan 2013 14:16
Good old joe

Sotladcal - and all this time I thought the bank of England was funded by the money stolen from the commonwealth countries and the sub continent in particular

By britexpat• 30 Jan 2013 14:15
Rating: 2/5

OK..The answer is that they only accept Bank Of England notes because they are widely known and accepted around the world..

By Scotladcal• 30 Jan 2013 14:01

I put this up looking for a bit of help , if you can't why you wasting your time and mine ?

By Rizks• 30 Jan 2013 13:54

oh dear....

By Scotladcal• 30 Jan 2013 13:50

Firstly , learn how to spell before trying to be a smart Alec on my post . Secondly it was a Scotsman who first funded the bank of England you clown .

By britexpat• 30 Jan 2013 13:38


I remember being in Blackpool and teh Scots trying to exchange Pict notes for real British pounds :O)

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