medical advice and help

I'm an Orthopaedic Specialist and Senior Faculty in a renowned Teaching Institution,of over 25 years experience.Now work in Doha.I am only happy to give online advice and guidance to many unfortunate ones having orthopaedic diseases,ie,bone and joint inuries and diseases,Common bone and joint problems include low back pain,neck and arm pain,spondyloses,Tennis elbow,De Quervain's disease,Carpal tunnel syndrome,Tender heel&Plantar fascitis,Fibro-myalgia,Neuragias of many cause....Arthritis of many types are very common in GCC.The commonest are Rheumatoid and gout.Generalised bone pain may be due to osteo porosis or other serious Lif diseases.Life-style diseases also common.
In this scenario,I like to open a way to share your problems with a veteran.You can mail all relevant details to me.Things are kept confidential and private.Contributions & details after [email protected];FB id:musaffir @bacebook.com
You are a "real" doctor! I appreciate hand of help you have extended to many who many who are unable to get medical assistance basically due to financial constraints.
I do not have any problems so far related to your field of work, but thank you very much once again.