Married to a Lebanese

I have recently met these slovenian sisters marreid both to Lebanese men.And they both were cheated by their husbands.Not only they were dating other women but they also took whatever they could from these poor girls.And then I got interested in the phenomenon LEBANESE MAN.It turned out that every second woman in Qatar has a problem with her lebanese husband or boyfriend.They are famous for being hundsome but also famous for alsways wanting to show off.How many Lebanese did you see without the cigar between their fingers even if they don't smoke.And why do they speak french between each other?I have a lebanese colleague who always dates older women.He says that they have lived longer than the young ones and therefore have earned more money and they are willing to spend on their younger friend.So in my view lebanese men are from the ones you have to stay away,don't trust any single word they say.keep them as friends and don't go further than that.Prove me wrong
yeah, pak the lebanese men... lol
i mean slap them.. jejeje
LOL... "How many Lebanese did you see without the cigar between their fingers even if they don't smoke?".. I think i have seen couple of thoses stupid without cigar between their fingers..
but seriously, all lebanese that I know are Ok, just fine! It's not about lebanese, it's like LP mentioned, about stupid women..
as of cheating, most of men are cheating regardless to their nationality, color, size, social status, educational level, life style, etc., etc., etc...
and why not to speak french between themselves? is anything wrong with french?
It's not their fault. They can only be sucessful because there are too many stupid women around. So, I would say, leave the stupid women with the cheating Lebanese.
Visper..You right I have only met one Good Lebanese man so Far and he is my buddy on QL..:)
so true....
hahahaha.. though there are few good ones, i still avoid these L men.. i don't want to be one on their Filipina Toys' List..
I absolutely,absolutely agree.I vote with my two hands.