Major Windows XP Crash/System Failure. Need Help!
Ok, I've had a major system failure, and had to re-instll Windows XP. Unfortunately I was not allowed to 'repair' and had to overwrite as the damage was too great.
And here is my problem............I now have XP running ok (after about a thousand updates!) but on the Start menu, I only have programs listed that have been installed since the recovery. I have all my other program files intact in the C:\Program Files but no direct link to them via the start menu.
I'm not a complete dunce, and have tried to customise the start menu, to no avail.
How in the world do I restore the program files?
Please help!!!
Thanks Cabride. :)
if you have a crash it is best sometimes to buy a new hard.
install new xp on that because your old one could be on the way out.
run the old hard drive and secound drive then you can scan it with virus scan and send all work programs as shortcut to programs list like i said before.
I do this alot for people it saves time, data and money in long run.
some files can't be lost like photos of family.[img_assist|nid=32291|title=wow mage|desc=|link=url,|align=left|width=165|height=180]
all the programs that work do the folowing
open my computer> click C:\ then Program Files
then while holding down Ctrl click once the prgrams folder you wish to move the all programs list
eg C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer
then drag that folder to start button, it should open then drag to all programs it should open list, then place into list then release.
the program now can be run from you all programs menu
make a folder insert all shortcut of exe to it then drag in your start menu.
I don't know much about computers but I DO understand what you say about pre-installed stuff cos that really bugs me.
Does creating a 'rescue disk' help reload programmes etc when a system crashes? Or is a rescue disk just to boot the system.
I wanted to create one for this laptop (which I got through an insurance claim a year or so ago) and guess what? No effin' disk drive on laptop is there lol only CD and I don't have the attachment to run a disk.
Just can't win sometimes :/
Some do and some don't. I've lost MS Office, and the problem was that it was pre-installed, and of course I don't have the disc. Not happy about that! I've been doing exactly what you said, re-installing them in the existing directory, and although tedious and time consuming it seems to be going well.
I'm going to need to find out how to make an image of my current settings, so that if this happens again, I won't have all this hassle. I think it'll be easier said than done though. :) :P
"Life is life - whether in a cat, or dog or man. There is no difference there between a cat or a man. The idea of difference is a human conception for man's own advantage." ~Sri Aurobindo
Do the old programs run when you execute (the excutable) them from the installed folder?
If yes, it's just a matter of creating shortcuts. If no, then re-install them in the existing directory.
Yes, I know about pinning, but I have like 30+ programs, I don't think they'll all fit :)
But I think you are right, it's probably the only way I'll be able to do it.
I wish I could just have my start menu the way it was! URggghh! :(
It has been a frustrating few days. :)
Thanks Telljax. :)
on the icon of any program u want on the start menu..right click on the icon and on the drop down menu u shud se an option "pin to start menu"...dat shud do the trick hopefully..i dont remember abt xp but it does work in vista