Increase in house rent by land lord

Dear QLers,
I am currently a tenant in a building appartment at Umm Gawailina. To renew of my tenant agreement for another year land lord tends to increase my rent.
I need to know:
1. Is there any threshold currently applicable to rent increase?
2. How do I find solution for the problem? Leaving accommodation and moving to another is an alternate but it will costs so much time, energy and money especially for a family with small kids.
Need your expert opinion.
Mau, If there also rent goes up next year ?? .........................................
Either negotiate or look for another place.
The landlord can take whatever he wants. There is no law regulating this.
there are some important information you have not disclosed? 1) what was your rent before and how much have been proposed to increase, you have direct agreement with actual land lord or street brand real estate people? there are law if land lord wish than up to limited % they can increase. so diclose more info................
Usually, they ask for 10% increase over the last rent amount. If that is true, suggest you accept it. Otherwise, you will face a hassle in finding a new accommodation and then the cost of shifting.
Anon, On the sidelines we must explore the ways about how to reduce your expenses & increase your income ................... .............. .................
You have to decide what is good and economical for you. Lucky as you are not dealing with an agent but with the landlord directly and must abide by his terms & conditions. There is no fixed threshold yet, as everyone wants to 'make hay while the sun shines'. Only 2 options available ie. Negotiate with him explaining him your problems and if he considers then fine, otherwise look for a change which will cost you money, time, energy etc. My friend was paying 4.5 K and this year it rose to 7.5 K. He spoke to the concerned then they finalized for 6.5 K. So try your luck..