Immunisation for newborn
Hi all,
I am looking for advice on immunisation for newborn babies. In Australia we have an immunisation due at two months of age and I was wondering how easy or difficult it would be to obtain this in Doha. My husband and I will be bringing our one month old baby to Doha in October as he is working until December and would like to get this important detail sorted out before we leave. Any help would be very much appreciated.
You get it done at your Primary Health Care Centre...
Hi Natalie,
It's very simple. We got them done at the Old Airport health center, it was the closest to where we lived at the time, i'm not sure about other health centers. I think they give immunisations on Sundays and Wednesdays from 7am to 1pm and from 1pm to 7 or 8pm. They'll give u an immunisation record card for ur baby and open a file for him/her.
FYI, the immunisations here were:
At birth: BCG & 1st HBV
At 2 months: 2nd HBV, 1st DPT+Hib, 1st OPV, & 1st H.Influenzae (b)
At 4 months: 2nd DPT+Hib, 2nd OPV, & 2nd H. Influenzae (b)
At 6 months: 3rd DPT+Hib, 3rd OPV, 3rd H. Influenzae (b), & 3rd HBV
At 12 months: MMR1/Varicella
This immunisation schedule may have been recently modified, maybe more were added, i'm not sure, so u'll need to check.
Hope this helps.