How to Apply for HMC Health Card for me and my Wife

By samrachu123 •
Dear All,
Need your advise.. i am planning to apply for HMC health Card for me and my wife..I stay near bank street.. What are the documents for the health card.. How much time does it need. When we should go like very early morning.. can we go in the evening as well?????
What is the procedure to get health card for me and my family as I am living in zone 53 Near wajba Street?I came to know that my zone i.e, 53 is not coming under any health center.So now how can I apply and where should I go to get info ragrding HC of zone having ZERO health centre?
please anybody knowing can guide me?
Thank uuu so much
Do you have rent agreement or house contract in your name with electricity bill, if yes then proceed tension free
first go to hospital near your area, they will give you file number then go to HMC in early morning
they will give you the card, Thats it
Its needed 2 Days only