Education in Canada suggest better way?

I'm working in Qatar last 10 years with reputed oil&Gas Company. My daughter wanted to take higher study in Canada after her 12th (HSC) she is now in 11th std.I don't want to get out from Qatar from my present job but I truly wish to send her in Canada for her higher education after 12th std. I do agree that I could send her on student visa but fees will be quite higher than Canadian student. I may not afford as I'm ELS level.
Some one adviced me to send her on student and some one said to migrate with family and get her in the collage will be cheaper and easyer.
As I said I will not leave my present job even if I got migration so in this case What will be good for getting my child study in Canada
In short to get education in Canada what is better way to get Migrated or admit as Student?
Highly Appreciate your valuable suggestions
Send her. Universities have reserved spaces for foreign students and your chances are just as high if you complete the application and apply as a foreign student. Fees will be higher and you may be able to get residence and food for cheap depending on the university. Price does depend where you apply.
IMHO, to relocate is a larger cost and would require everyone in the family to settle. Canada is cold you are not going to enjoy it, unless you want to go to Canada, then this is the perfect excuse.
She may live as a poor student, but she will fit in with all the the other students with student loans.