does japanese mobile work in qatar??
By kawaii-devil •
does japan have the GSM system??and does the plugs are diffrent??and the power of the plug is diffrent??
im buying a mobile(i hope) from japan so will the battery plug work here??or the power will be stronger or weaker that it would break the mobile??
same thing, unlocked or not, you need a GSM 900/1800 phone. having that, plus have it unlocked rom the operator, i think it will work fine in qatar.
locked phones means it is locked with a certain operator, but if you buy it on a normal electronics store, normally means it is open for any line. so dont buy it from the mobile operators, buy it from the local electronics store. if thats the case, as long as its gsm 900/1800, ask them if you can use it with any line, and make sure the plug is ok, 220 volts then you are all set. if the plug is not ok, but its still 220 volts, just buy another universal converter plug
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but can i buy the phone from taiwan and unlock it there so it can work in qatar??
well just make sure you buy the GSM 800/1900 model of hello kitty, and also ask them if they have 220volts charger. also, it will be useful to have a unviersal plug converted ;)
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I think they hav CDMA network in Japan unlike the GSM here in Qatar.
lol kitty, the voltage and plug is not as big of a problem as the network.
No human can stop racism and its easier to make a deaf hear u than an ignorant.
thanks for ur replies~~
i know its cheaper in qatar but the mobile im buying is hello kitty mobile which is not available in qatar*sigh*..
i really hope i can buy it T_T
no, pls dont. they have 3 kinds of mobile system there (one of which is gsm), and you might get it wrong. plus, its cheaper in qatar, and there is no better models, except for those in other systems (cdma, pcs)
just buy one in qatar, its cheaper anyway. by the way power in qatar is 220 volts, there its 110 volts only, plus a different kind of plug.
kyotsukete! gambatte!
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I have sony ericsson i bough it from pakistan and stil using here in doha, haven't face any prolem. wel i dont know the make of my mobbile
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