do i need to pay the shariah courts

By Nishamani Anisa... •
Dear all,
If i am to file a case against my husband who is having a mistress do i need to pay the shariah courts to file a case against him, pls advice cos i,m being neglected by this man and i have two kids with him and he is not providing for us financially as he should.
appreciate your help
hi tatess, i,m happy for u , but unfortuately i,m nt that lucky. i dont have even a job yet and i,m totally dependanton him financially , and also in my case my family cannot support me. hopefully i will find some solution soon.
hi rehan, if i complain to the police my husband will also be deported am i right? and since me and my kids are under his sponsrship then we too will get deported right?
as far as I know,you cannot ask for a child custody if you are still both married with each other .
ha ha ha ..... good one...this means she deserve to go to hell......
its better to file a custody for your kids forget the financial matters..your kids will make you happy strong he is not worth it..
we were divorce for 10 years now .I did not ask for child support ,a child custody is more than enough for me. And I never receive any amount from him few months before even the divorced was granted.
I had a good job that time and my family back home has enough money to support me and my son even if I stop working so no need to beg for a small amount he is going to give forcefully.
Money was never an issue for me as long as I have my son with me.He is more important than any money in this world.
Now that I am married again my hubby takes care of everything for us.
Maybe I was just one of the lucky ones.
Well if she is not married to your husband just tell your husband and that women you will complain to the police that both of them will be punished for adultory as you know it is a very serious offence here.
Also this will get her deported offcourse your husband will not follow her to philipines.
hi tatess, were u still married to the father of ur child when u asked for custody.and r u getting child support from him now.
Goodluck to you ! May Allah Guide and Bless you and your children. My sympathy is with you.
Oh, in that case - the courts will not help you. He should want the mistress out of his life. Since he wants to be with someone else, I think you should talk to him about it. If it doesn't work, then you file for a divorce and get out of the situation that you are in.
I am sorry that you are suffering.
hi tatess , actually divorce not yet cos i want to make him pay for awhile for doing this to me i mean 10 long years of my life i wasted for him so let him wait a little . i want to get custody of my kids so that eventually when i divorce him he cant take my only precious things my kids. just want to make sure i can ask for custody before divorce right?
and according to islaam he anyway has to pay child support even after i divorce him .
prior to your divorced with him and the judge will be the one to decide.
according to shariah law as explained to me by the court clerk;
a.children under 12 yrs old will stay with the mother
b.12 years and above the child will be the one to choose between the mother and the father.
so what really do you want to do?you want a divorce ,child custody and child support,right?
hi tatess, actually i already called the courts and checked he is not married to er according to shariah law here and his marraie is not legally accepted here. they dont have a certificate wich the ourts issue to married couples infact they dot have any document to prove they r married.
about the child custody my kids are 6and 1/2 , 3 and 1/2 and i also have no job yet and still depend on my husband do you think from your expeirience that i can ask custody of them so that i know that my husabnd cant take them away from me
sounds like that filipina girl was going beyond the normal level of customer service
Don't get angry with me! I'm only typing what you are thinking!
i remember in one of your thread, your hubby married that filipina I right? well you have to check out on this .I am not really familiar with the law here .but if they got married under the Shariah Law ,then they are legal couple,am I right or not?
And if they are legal,then only your husband can make the divorce or separation between him and the filipina.
Now if you want to file a divorce ,then you can go to Shariah court but make sure you have valid reason for doing it and solid evidence.
As amoud said ,you better go there and ask.
about your Question , I am filipina ,married, no job and my son is under 12 years old when I filed the child custody case.
You misunderstand Nish, I am not disappointed you are here, quite the opposite. You have been on about this for some time and apparently just until recently you were in Sri Lanka as per your previous posts.
If you are in Doha you may get better answers if you ask the court.
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
amoud , sorry to dissapoint u but i am i doha since january 4th 2010.
I think you should add Nishamani that you are currently not even in Doha.
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
hi tatess, what nationality are you, and how old was your child nd also did you have a job at the time of this case.
pitstop , actually i just want this mistress out of our lives , i mean u give up your life a decade of it playing house wife and mom and then your husband says that he just want to dump you and try to take ur kids away as well , will any woman give up without a fight. i tried to talk to him but he is tooo bind to see the thruth.
Nishamani Anisa..., What is it that you want from your husband? Do you want a divorce? or just financials for your children?
Can't you just deal with it out of court?
mine is a child custody case and I won.they gave the custody to me.
lenghts of case hearing not the same depends on the cooperation of both parties,evidence presented ,witness etc.
mine took 4 months(5 hearings before the judge gave me the child custody) .
tks tatess,
i am a sri lankan and so is my husband the mistress is philipino. was your case similar to mine, and usually how long do they take to do anyting about it once you file a case.
appreciate your help
you have to pay upon filing of a case but it is minimal and fair enough.I paid QR 20 for typing and QR 100 for the case.
And once case is done ,another payment will be done for the processing of the court decision/order.QR 20 for typing and another QR 100 for the document.
this is based on my experienced.
payments varied from the country you are into ,I guess.