Dermatology and Steroids

what could be the affect of intake of steroids , in the treatment of Dermatology ?
A friend , who had a small black patch below the knee, earlier suspected it came due to the use of socks. She was treated by HMC and later India by several doctors. All those treatments were by oinments & tablets, which are Steroids or Cortizone. There was a temporary relief , but later the patch reappeared.
The problem is now serious ..She lost 3 kg, in 3 weeks and started hair loss. She is worried if anything serious. Is this happend due to the continuous intake of steroids.
Can someone help , what diagnosis shoudl be done ?
( we are not trying to get treatment thru QL, but this is realy helpless condition, since various doctors in HMC and India had done and no improvment...and at last symptoms of weight loss and hairloss. )
Steroid is a life saving miracle drug but misused so often.
But for answers, one needs to know:
Proper description of patch? investigations done like biopsy etc? And about medicines, For how long did she use it? What type of dosing? Route of use: topical or oral?
Weight loss, hair loss may definitely be due to steroid but there are many other causes for it. If she thinks its serious, she needs to change her doc and get second opinion urgently rather than continuing with those medicines.
By the way, what was the diagnosis given to her for that patch?
do you have some nigth or day cream to lose my problem???
the treatment in such cases should have been 'inside out' and not 'outside in'..
steroids only suppress the affections..and don't hit the root of the problem.
naturopathy is the solution..
and one reason of darkness near ankles maybe varicose vein
it must be hyperpigmentation... and the anxiety must be getting to her causing the weight loss..
Treatment involves hydroquinone, azelaic acid, corticosteroids, tretinoin cream and laser treatment. Please discuss these options with your dermatologist before using them