Declared Medicaly Unfit for Job-----

I have a job offer in qatar, QATARGAS..
During pre rmployment medical my chest xrays shows and other reports wrere normal...however company asked for ct scan.. Ct scan results shows small subplueral fibrosi in lungs bilateral apex which is of not much significance,,,Radiologist who did scan, my family physician and other doctors said its normal at this agae... and I am fit and dont need to worry
However QG medical team has rejected me and declared medically unfit..
please help me how can I assure QG medical or what can I do?
please please....your guidance is sought,..please
Brad: is it true ... -)
no worries at all , just make an appointment Mr Khalid Bin Khalifa Bin Jassim , he can solve this . and we have the best medic team ever .
The recruitment in some companies are frozen!!!
RK .......... Myself & Humbles are behind you like a rock .................. Hope the QG doctor realises & corrects his errors & gives justice to his profession ................
Dera thanks for your feedback, I am currently doing job in UAE... recently I apssed UAE medical.. so Im not worried about my career as I am doing quite good in UAE
The thing that is hurting me that I have been rejected beased on medical, whereas I send all medical reports from UAE including blood tets, urine test, chest X-ray and I saw all tehse reports myself and they were within normal range... Even Examining Doctor (not QG doctor but Dr. at private hospital in UAE) who filled medical QG form, declared me fit...........
I am trying to get reconsidered by QG.................lets hope and pray for me..
Thansk once again for your feedbackkk..
Thanks Humbles for your conservative estimate of 365 ..... one / day .........................
VGM MM, ha ha ha, look I am lucky, no restriction from anyone, I logged in QL. MM my guess is 365 patiences falling off their beds all over the world every year.
Seriously, rk1983 should go to top management & request for 2nd opinion from a qualified doctor, I support & appreciate MM for his precious advice.
Some poor souls won't have luck to open QL from homes due to her restrictions { cruelty } ............ Fri, 09.10.2015, 08.30 hrs
So , Good morning everybody .......... are we all back here again ? ................. Fri, 09.10.2015, 08.03 hrs
to be continued ....... from tomorrow ......... hopefully ............ if He allows you to open QL ............
Accha, Considering all the prevailing medical profession goof ups in this world it's highly likely that our good friend would definitely had passed the test .......... had it happened in a fair & transparent way ........................ still I am positive from the core of my heart ...............
How many patients fell off from their beds in 2014 & night duty nurses didn't mention in the patient's file - record / report to doctors ? ......... No body knows ........... .................... .......
Azmeer, We all know docotrs make bigger mistakes than a person at tyre puncture repair shop or a labourer who digs hole for a date palm , so it's worth the try for 2nd attempt / tests by a different proper docotr who knows his/her job by heart not do surgeries by following the trainee nurses who read the steps & procedure from google .......... some times they may fail wrong candidate due to mixing of patient files by lower staff for example .........
Meet Molten Metal first before you go there. Take his blessings. He is "hearing and inner voice in your favour!" May be it will work. Who knows? 0)-
If they dont want you it means you have to find another opportunity! don't go and argue with their decision! they dont reject you for no reason! so there is a reson
Rush ....... Donot dealy in this case / situation ................ ...............
Have an appointment with top QG medical authority / top HR / Pray hard ..... your matter will be resolved ......... remain positive ............ Go to them one last time ........ I am hearing an inner voice in your favour ............. joys ..... & good luck ..............
As both the gentleman have stated, your efforts will not bring about any positive result. It is better for you to think of returning home and look forward to a better life in your home country. Don't lose hope!
I doubt you can do much. You could send them reports from your own physicians and ask them for an independent review, but I doubt it would do any good.
Good luck
It has been decided already, you will not be able to change anything. Time to go back