Consultants & Ethics

Recently we have been awarded a project worth 30.0 millions. An airconditoning project with 20 Chillers !!!!
when the Main Contractor sent our pre-qualiifications documents to the Supervision Consultant, they have advised the Contractor we have no experience in such projects.
We have a good rapport with the Design Consultants.
In fact we have all sort of certifications from all those Govt agencies in Qatar. In fact the Consultant is not qualified, they have done villas only ..they are qualfied in Architectural and Civil work....Nothing else.
If you check the GULF TIMES, supplement CONSTRUCTION TODAY you can see 50+ projects, but will not find this Consultants name in it.
We understand the Main Contractor should have IRON HANDS to say that we go with particular sub-contractor. It is not the Consultants prerogative, especially when it is a small scale Consultant , who may have ulterior motives.
What is the solution for this ? since we already have received the Letter of Intent.
Okay. Your company is one of the best companies in Qatar and there was a discrimination against you.
Now, tell me how would you fight ?? Will you file a court case against someone ?? If yes, it'd be a blunder.. other Contractors/Clients/Consultants might blacklist you.
Hence, just forget it... dont behave like a cry-baby....
Keep on bidding for other projects..
I thnk now yu will run away without answering me !!!
We have a proud "YES" to all of your NINE questions, mentioned above.....We are not a micky-mouse technology company...
Yu did not bother to read my questions, we have all Kahrama, UPDA ( earleir Ashghal) ,Civil Defence certifications..Can you show me a MEP company with ISO certifications ?
If I gave you "YES" answer, will you join me for this fight ,or you will run away ?
We are not worried about ONE project !!! but we have been unceremeniously commented against us ....that is the issue
What about your company?
Do you have UPDA accreditation?
Do you have first grade Kahramaa Electrical License?
Do you have impressive cash flow in your bank account?
Can you provide the Performance Bond of required amount?
How many similar projects you have completed so far?
Is there any signature project out of them?
What's the level of qualification and experience of your staff? How long they've been working with you?
Do you have 'Testimonials' issued by reputed Consultants & Clients??
You can't just blame any Consultant.. let's know what were their concerns while turning down you appointment.
In construction industry, winning---loosing-- it happens every other day... you seem to be a novice in this field mate !!
Very recently, there was a contract of BARWA.. every big Contracting Company with very very impressive profiles submitted their bids.. and finally an indian company got the job for almost half of what others would have quoted !! None of the other Contracting Companies would have ever expected it !!
So... let bygones be bygones and try to win other projects..just move on..
A lot of major developments are coming up in Qatar in near future.. get ready for that..there's a shortage of good Electromechanical Contractors... Employ skilled people in your Execution, Business Development & Tender department..prepare a nice presentation of your accomplished works and resources, and you can surely grab some good projects !!
All the best !!
wilson the consultants here don't have any technical knowledge. If they have, they are doing a very good job of hiding it. It is really frustrating to work with them at times but you have no option.
better try to work or to establish your own business in a field with no competitors...
if someoene also comment about the Consultants "low" standards >>
They have not done major projects....their name does not appear in any of the Consturtion manuals, they dont have approval from UPDA ( Urban Planning Development Authortiy )on ELectro Mechnacila jobs ; they have approval only in Architectural or Civil only.
--How can they comment on Elecrro Mechanical jobs ?
--How they assessed ? we wish to know the criteria and the methodology
--Can we apporach any other agencies,, Consumer society, Human rights,, any agencies
--How they can reject us,, if we are approved by consultants like AEB...
ethical consultants is a classic oxymoron.
baldrick no one in London/Paris/Stockholm?
It looks like only the Africans and Asians are doing all this??
as the OP has stated. Doesn't that mean they got the PO? :)
The best solution is go to the Main Contractor and let him approach the Client on this. After all the final approving authority is the Client. If you have a Project Management Consultant seek their help.
i was about to tell this...
ethics? its only thought in college (Philosophy 101) but not held into practice. LOL
Hu Wan No PO has been issued, it's an LOI
But you already got the PO for the project which presupposes your offer was evaluated and met the main contractor's requirements. What would be the justification to cancel the contract? It better be very very good, otherwise some heads will roll I hope. Just an afterthought: maybe the Supervision Consultant requires "additional" items?
Ethics? Here? As foreign sounding as that mountain in New Zealand where you can't even spell or pronounce the name...
to the OP:
try making a deal to the decision maker as Rishi have mentioned. that's one way to deal with your problem.
Lol Rishi... i think that's already a practice. :)
enough for me now, i might spill out some deep secrets.
bubblymom, in that case i would strike a deal with the consultant..if thats what is required.
in addition, MCs have their own preferred manufacturers/suppliers and so do these Consultants. so there comes the "politicians". :)
but what to do? Politics is everywhere? especially in construction. :(
MC are not really allowed to go directly to the Client (not unless the GM of the MC has a "say".) just like my boss. lol
bubblymom consultants have to check the technical side of things. it shouldn't be their concern whom I am using to get the work done.
exactly WK. meaning, the Consultant's final decision is still what they need. right? :)
Consultant's basically do their homeworks as well. they have to scrutinize everything because in the end they will be liable to their client.
try to 'entertain' the decision maker of the consultant company..if that doesnt work, just go to the user or the client and ask for approval with all relevant prequalification details.
that's the arses in construction. :( sadly but true.
bubblymom LOI basically means that you will get the order subject to consultant approval. Commercial terms are fixed and technical approval is required.
Consultants are Client's representative.
Sometimes it is the Client who has preferred manufacturer's or subcontractors, and they tell this thru the Consultants.
The main contractor should have submitted your pre-qualification documents first to the Consultant which is the usual practice.
Correct me if i'm wrong, Letter of Intent is to let you know that you are shortlisted for the project and is somewhat considering your service, while Letter of Award tells you directly that you're already chosen(awarded) to do the project. just my two cents.
He's probably got a brother/cousin/uncle in Beirut/Cairo/Cochin/Karachi/wherever who works for the competition :o(
Depends on the main contractor. Consultant can't force them to go with any particular sub-contractor. He can only suggest and even that is out of line.
he can create problems for the main contractor if his suggestion is not followed so depends on how strong the main contractor is.
Maybe you can meet the consultant to sort it out if the main contractor is fine with you approaching him directly.