CID clearence and Good Conduct(PCC) same?

By paranoid87 •
I am requested to get the CID clearence by my new sponsor, my old sponsor is my father.
What i would like to know is that, is the PCC(good conduct) issued by the CID here, same as the CID clearence required prior to changing jobs?Is it easy to get CID clearence for Network Technician?
I have got the PCC already from my home country attested by MOFA.
No CID clearance is not the sam - the CID clearance means that the CID check you out if you have a prior criminal record or not. Good Conduct Ceriticate you will get from your embassy and it states that you do not have a criminal record in your country and you need that to get the CID clearance.
contact your local / area police station. they will tell you what to do.
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