Can He Come Back
I need your advise on behalf of a known person
One of my known person request me to find an answer for him, therefore I am here in QL. I believe QLers may answer
He worked in Qatar few years back (More than 3 years) he worked as a driver at a local house.
He did not get salary on time and employer was offensive all the time.
then he dcided to leave the country.
prior to leave the country, he made a case in court against the employer. (he even didn't have an approved Contract)
Court rejected the case.
then straight away he left the country.
Now he scared of coming back assuming that his employer may have filed any case against him.
Can anyone advise on this?
He said...
His employer did not even give the passport...
Employer told... passport is not with him.
After he file the case and got rejected he left the country with oneway travel document
He is in a situation to come for some earning... he believes while he has Qatar licence he can find a good job easily.
There is always a way my pal .. Write a letter to your sponsor with kind words
Why risk coming back ? The owner may have listed him as an absconder ...
The only option is to apply for a visa and see if it gets accepted