By bulltongue •
Hello All,
I badly needed everyone's help.
Heres the thing, I was trying to use my laptop but I couldnt:
1. It shows the DELL logo.
2. Asks me how I want to start it ( last known good, start in safe mode etc, start windows normally)
3. I choose start windows normally.
4. It shows WinXP logo.
5. A bluescreen appears only for half a second ( I am unable to see the error as it quickly goes off)
6. Goes back to step 1-5, over and over again.
Can I have it fixed by myself or should I go and get it repaired in shops?
Will appreciate your help.
Hello Kabayan.
With your problem, you need to find a bootable CD so you could do the scandisk procedure or explore the content of your harddrive to restore the former working registry. Should you need to back-up and transfer the important files inside your laptop, the same CD would do the job. Obviously, you're using another PC or LAPTOP to go online. Search and download the files for bootable CD then burn it. Look for HIREN'S CD or BARTPE. The fastest way I can help you is to call my num: 3696387. :)
Error, Delete
Error, Delete
Boot record has been corrupted. If you have the recovery console installed then you can log on to it without going to windows. But obviously you have not.
The best thing is to go to set up and select boot from cd
save and then boot from a bootable dc and then you can go to C and try to run chkdsk/f