Auto Mechanics job in Qatar
I am professional auto mechanics, i have completed 3 years apprenticeship, completed 4 years training at technical high School here in Ghana and have a good pass in the following course Motor Vehicle technology, Science, calculations and Technical Drawing, practical coursework Assessment. and have 10 years working experience on European ,Asia and American cars. I live in Ghana now but I need some one who can employe me as an Auto Mechanics in Qatar as I want to move live and work in Qatar. here follow my e-mail [email protected]
hi, can you send your CV thru my mail and we will contact you... [email protected] thanx!
thank you very much brother.
Alhag, Apply on major gulf job providers' sites ..... good luck brother ..... Excellent English & Smiling face is the main advantage for people of Ghana ....
Thu, 30.01.2014, 06.24 hrs .....