Advice: College students make a difference in QATAR.

Hello everyone,
I just wanted to ask everyone here for suggestions. In college we are assigned to complete a only-students project.
Its for business administration students. We have to find a way to apply what we learn in class to real life problems, and in solving these problems help improve a small organisation or a household or any other business. Students are supposed to develop a project that will help to make a difference in our community.
E.g. (This is only an example to better communicate our aim) A poor household have sheep, but believe that the sheep can be used only for food, not knowing that they can use their sheep as an asset to help improve their lives, and at the same time ensuring that there is NO cruelty done to the animal(Extra credit for ensuring this). Our objective here will be to find out the different uses for the sheep that they have. These are for meat, wool, and dairy. We will find the people or shops interested in buying this from them. And collaborate with the right people to ensure this, which will help increase the income of this house-hold so that they can depend on themselves and have a way to improve their lives.
If anyone here has any suggestions as to projects or where we can look to find a way to reach our goal and positively impact a household or small organization, it will be highly appreciated. All suggestions will be looked in to and it will help us to give something back to the community we live in.
Thank You.
WOW amazing point .. bank loan is an issue, even in my home with my dad, it didn't even occur to me
Thanks a lot guys realllyyy .. Yeh i will present this to my group . Thank you !
I agree, a lot of people (not only Qatari but mostly expat) trap in taking bank loans. Maybe there is no problem in local bank. You can try to investigate with foreign bank. They deducted more than the original agreed monthly payment.
You can also investigate company that collaborating with bank so that their employer cannot leave because of this loans. These companies are not allowing to transfer their loan from foreign bank to local bank.
Maybe you can make a difference if you can find a solution/ help one employer to trasfer the loan from one foreign bank to a local bank. In this way you help also the local bank in their banking business.
A problem here is numerical illiteracy hence the problems with bank loans.
People don't know how to calculate and budget this effects time and money.
Look for an issue - identify the causes and effects come up with a solution.
Thousands of Qataris took bank loans for quick spending without knowing the implications. Perhaps they got hooked by tricky marketing schemes of banks. What you can do is identify a sample of those who cannot keep up with the payments, and find ways to manage their expenses towards paying off the loan.
Look for a problem, you find a research project in front of you.