Crossfit Oryx
All classes are professionally coached from start to end.
There is much more to coaching than just showing you the workout, timing it, and writing it on the whiteboard.
Special Treatment:
Being a member here opens up discounts to all our workshops, seminars, and discounts with local companies too!
Join us for Community Gatherings:
It may be hikes, workshops, BBQ’s, movie nights at the gym, WODs at outdoor venues, parties, etc. We are a family and want to support each other as such.
We are a High Performance Gym. Professional facility, professional coaches, and professional training.
CrossFit is not easy, you have to be willing to work and push yourself.
Some days you will feel like 110% and some days you will feel like 50%, just give us your best every time and we will be there to push, encourage and support you!