Filipino magazine to hit stands this month across Qatar

Filipino magazine to hit stands this month
Web posted at: 10/9/2009 2:29:29
Source ::: The PENINSULA
Philippine Ambassador Crescente Relacion and Sultan Sulaiman cut a cake to mark the launch of Simply Pinoy at Doha Marriot Hotel.
DOHA: The first Filipino magazine from Qatar called Simply Pinoy will soon hit the streets of Doha this month and will cover the events and updates of the ever growing population of the Filipino community in this country.
The 60-page glossy full-colour magazine was launched on Wednesday night at Doha Marriot Hotel with close to a hundred guests including Philippine Ambassador Crescente Relacion, leaders of the Filipino community, maiden issue advertisers and sponsors and local businessmen.
Sample pages of the magazine were exhibited in one of the function rooms of the hotel where guests appreciate its pages content and lay-out. It will be off the press next week.
Published by Najma Media and Publishing Company, the magazine which will initially come out bi-monthly would feature the Filipino way of life in Qatar giving special focus to various field of interests presented in a lighter mood to make it more appealing and worth reading to all walks of life in their community.
Sultan Sulaiman, publisher of Najma, said Simply Pinoy magazine was the result of many months of soul-searching and brainstorming with a group of talented Filipino friends who encouraged him to venture into media industry business inspired with the need to tell the stories on the many facets of Filipino life in Qatar.
Sulaiman said as a local businessman he had worked with Filipino skilled workers and professionals for many years and find them doing their best capabilities to help his business grow that such talents and skills have been very essential to the development of his country.
“With their diligent guidance, I am enlightened and become more interested after learning about the intricacies of running a publishing company especially in this country where there is still indeed a lot of bright prospects of developing it to make people more aware and stay informed about the events and trends unfolding in their community,” Sulaiman said.
Allan de Ocampo, Simply Pinoy editor-in-chief, said the magazine would serve as a channel of information to inspire Filipinos living and working in this country to bring out their very best as they continue to work in their respective field of expertise.
“It’s about time that we can give human face to the Filipino pride and excellence through Simply Pinoy magazine,” de Ocampo said.