NSD 2020 with Sports Corner

In a country striving towards fitness, Qatar National Sport Day is potentially the most active day in the year, and it comes with its own public holiday.
The second Tuesday of February annually marks the National Sports Day (NSD) and is a public holiday in Qatar.
Sports Corner is hosting a series of activities for the whole family on February 11, from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm at various locations including Aspire Park, Katara, and Al Bidda Park.
This year, you will be the hero, you will be Sports Corner in your story, don’t forget to hashtag #IAmSportsCorner.
Sports Corner National Sport Day celebration is a family-friendly event and open to everyone free of charge. The activities include UV football tent, football pitch for adults, volleyball pitch for adults, basketball pitch for adults, tag of war for adults, Bootcamp for kids, inflatable foosball, archery (3 lane for soft archery challenge), tag of war for kids, sack race (8 lanes), football target (hit the target shoot), and much more.
Don’t forget to take part in their Adidas challenge including X – Fast feet challenge (speed), Nemeziz –Dribble challenge (agility), Predator –Target challenge (Accuracy), and test your skills against your friends and family.
Have fun, get fit and stay healthy with Sports Corner this Sport Day!
Read up on our National Sport Day 2020 guide to know about more related events happening around town.
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