XBOX Power Supply / AC Adapter

hello everyone,
i bought XBOX from Canada recently, one day when i tried to plug it in, the adapter made the sound of death and smelled too.
So im looking for the power supply/ac adapter only...
can any one help me on this , that he/she can sell the adapter only?
Or, is there any place that i can buy adapter from?
I have 2 original xbox power bricks in 220 for sale if anyone needs one. You wont find an original for sale from a dealer in Qatar. Trust me on this. 5547 0731
But where did you fix the xbox power supply? because the same happened to me and i dont know what to do :(
so i found the place to replace the ac adapter.
its TTC Qatar
i got it for 195QR. i tested at home now, and im enjoying my KINCET games, its lots of fun...
last update...
future shop customer service was kindly enough to help me well.
She said that i can use my xbox offline but cant use online because some restrict from any government that can do.
Besides I can find a place to change or fix the problem and they will pay me.
Now i'm looking for place that sell that AC adapter OR Power Supply.
microsoft sucks
microsoft dubi phone number is not working...
thanks for your replay..
I called them but they never answer at all.
in the mean time, because i bought this XBOX from Canada (future shop) with 2 years of warranty, i called them and told told that my AC Adapter is not working, and need it to change. They said we cant help you with that. Inly microsoft can, because you still with in the first year of manufacture warranty. So i called microsoft, and they told me I CANT USE THE DEVICE OUT SIDE CANADA, BECAUSE ITS LOCKED TO CANADA..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Beside that, she said they didn't officially released any xbox with qatar so i cant get it fixed in qatar, i have to send it to canada to get it fixed....
i need help here not from thses stupied microsoft or future shop...
Now my problem, do i have to unlocked it becasue im in qatar?
if yes, where i can do that?
also im still looking for AC adapter, where i can find that????
Check Jarir Book Store .. he s the dealer for XBOX in qatar .