Why online marketing scam on QL

By mokhan2786 •
Online marketing scam on QL for cheap new iphones and other electronic gadget. They say if you pay for two then they will give another free. Why does QL allow such scam advertisements in classified? They put 50 ads in one hour. Your comments plz..
I have a serious doubt "Are you really an IT Consultant "?
If your Profession on Visa is an IT Consultant, then I think your company has no office boy or labour visa avilabile at that time.
Mokhan everybody knows why scammers put thier fake adv here and how they looting money. so a layman knows all these things but as an IT consultant , you do not know, then it is your fault..
flexicode you are correct, he posted 5 times the same subject ie five Hits
I guess you are one of the scammers!!! If you go to classfieds to buy any phone, you would see how many people put fake ads and ask for money transfer. Many innocent people fall prey to them!!!
Jothish, even I am not sure why an IT Consultant doesn't know how to click a 'Submit' button.
Surely the onus is on YOU to be careful when dealing with these people.
Sometimes mods miss them. The question should be y people fall for this? U can't expect the mod or others to feed ppl with common sense if a person is stupid enough to get cheated this easily maybe he deserved it then
Sometimes mods miss them. The question should be y people fall for this? U can't expect the mod or others to feed ppl with common sense if a person is stupid enough to get cheated this easily maybe he deserved it then