Where are the all good onions?

HEllo everyone!
Since last 3 or 4 weeks , i have observed that the onions in the supermarkets are of bad quality, either rotten or very tiny or black colored (you would have to use another plastic cover on your hand before u select the onions).
What is happening? Where are all the onions gone? Is there any sort of scarcity for the oninons? Even the onion bags that we used to get are now rotten .....
On a more serious note, on wednesdays , at FFC, you get good onions since it's the day for indian vegetables.
Hahahaha!!! Bandito de Hora, I wonder what the pea shooter training camps look like.
Ho Ho Ho carol2008 good one :D
BritEx your theory on vegetable weapons could be correct. Baked Beans have been issued in unfriendly quantities to it's soldiers by opposing forces, that could take out the onion peeler's before they can get their skins off. I have also read that a country close by has been stockpiling dried peas, and small tubes, and no one has been able to figure that out either. I just hope it doesn't spiral into a situation where one of them breaks out the ultimate weapons of mass destruction.... chillies.
Worse than bad onions is when you are at the supermarket and you believe the bad smell comes from onions... just to realise... you are not near the onions.
There is another Theory that Onion can cure Swine Flue...so It might be Israel or US or Mexico stockpiling Onions....:-))
“The fool speaks, the wise man listens”
There is a theory that the Indians are stockpiling vast amounts of onions. When ready, they will amass on the border and start pealing. The Pakistanis border guards will not be able to do anything because of the tears and the Indian forces will just overwhelm them...
So , after economic crisis its the onion crises>>>>>>>>
I must be Indian.... I love onions, and I love what the Indians do with them. Haven't shopped for fresh fruit and veg for a while now, so I was unaware of the crises.
This question come to my mind: Why Indian like to eat Union a lot...they consume Onion extraordinarily. I think they have made Onion scarcity in Qatar...LOL
“The fool speaks, the wise man listens”
All the good onions went to Heaven! The bad ones rotten in Hell...I mean here... :)
Nothing is more relaxing than flying like an Eagle in Heaven !!
our site labors smell like real good onions! come n pick up one for free heheheh
And why are apples so expensive? Isn't this the season for apples? And where are tinned tomatoes?
May your dreams take you travelling all through your life.
The Onions and the Tomato ....never seen such rotten vegetables....
And the potatoes have really strange shapes...remind me of Halloween masks....lol
WWA - LOL, global warming affects the world not just Qatar, the onions we get in the UK are great. I hope it doesn't affect my fave fruits too :-)
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No adey doesn't do papayas, they are safe for now ;)
Delicate topic guys, and I must agree here...
I've been told by a specialist that it has to do with global warming, which is starting to make sense some way or another... But again, why only onions and potatoes ????
Hope papaya won't be affected soon...till then, cheers mates :)
I have a fetish!
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
I hate to admit it, but I've been wondering the same thing. In fact, the potatoes are pretty rubbish too :-(
*****If you haven't got anything nice to say, don't say anything at all*****
my teaboy reeks of onions....maybe he takes all the good ones.