Warning to Wii Owners!

I bought a wii from TCC in City Center some months ago. The Wii itself is fine and I have had no problems with it. The problem is with the accessories that I purchased with it. I bought one extra wii remote and one extra nunchuck from TCC on the same day I bought the Wii console. A few days ago I was browsing through the internet and I stumbled upon an article that talked about counterfeit wii remotes and nunchucks. I did some research and found out that the extra nunchuck and wii remote are FAKES!!! The products were packaged as official nintendo products and I had to do a lot of research to be able to distinguish a genuine controller from a fake one (The outer differences are hard to see). The fake ones are made from inferior electronics and do not perform as well as the original.
This wouldn't be an issue if they were being sold at a discounted price. In that case one could say "you pay for what you get" The problem is that TCC is selling the fake remotes at the same price as you can buy genuine ones at other places (and if they are cheaper, it is only by a few riyals in difference)
Be careful when making purchases and make sure you know what you are getting.
If you google "counterfeit wii remote", you will be able to find sites that help you distinguish genuine remotes from the fake ones.
I hope this helps other people from ending up with inferior products.
I know you bought those stuffs long ago. But i need to know what was the price for that wii remote itself if you remember. Cause i wants to get one whether new or used for an experiment.
If you can inform me the latest price of wii remote, i will be highly appreciated.
Wow. Thank you for the information!
I haven't been back to city center since I discovered the discrepancy. It is very possible that they didn't know they were selling counterfeit goods. It is pretty hard to tell if it is counterfeit without a knowing what to look for and without actually using the device.
Have u claimed that back to TCC ????
You can report them .. and they might get violated for doing such thing if it was done intentionally ..
they might be fooled too .. and they thought that they are getting a genuine one while it's not ..
Cuz in fact it's difficult here in Qatar to do such things .. government is too restricted .. so i believe they might be fooled .. so try to go back to them and tell them about ur problem.