PS3 more costly than xbox 360

hey world
why is the PS3 more costly than the xbox 360 if they are almost the same except a few things like the awesome kinect. I have a xbox 360 elite but sometimes my friends make me feel stupid that i bought a xbox since the all have Ps3 but I still strong on the xbox and plus ps3 just got hacked, so enjoy
feel free to say anything
PS: Any user of xbox wants to be friends with me online just rite ur xbox names
Don't forget the Xbox 360 has been out for a lot longer than the PS3, which in comparison, is still pretty new. THe usual practice is that the longer the consoles are in the public domain, the cheaper they become. I sold my 360 and bought a PS3, but now with the advent of Kinect, I wish I'd have kept the 360.
THe 360 can also be hacked and FW Installed which allow you to play copied games. Again, the longer the machines are out there, the greater the likelihood they will be hacked into.
Now the PS3 can be hacked, it won't be long before they pirate games are appearing on the streets, like that of 360.
Ps3 have blueray , not in Xbox
Xbox 360 got hacked long time ago :)