we have a new and big fleet of taxi here in doha which oprated by karwa. but still not enough, almost all the time, this is due to new drivers not able to locate the exact route of the passenger and this is also the causes of accidents. if i am correct three fourths of karwa fleet are involved in accidents.
the worst thing i ride with karwa from lulu to my residence was, when i sit i smell a very bad odor in the taxi like a dead cockroaches or whatever. it seems karwa drivers are not taking a bath regularly, nor cleaning the cars regularly. or maybe the badbreath or body odor of the drivers.
my suggestion as a big company they will provide fresheners inside the taxi. at least to remove the body odor / bad breath of the drivers.
cheers, have a blessed day
you know what guys i've already read this kind of issue many times here but there is no solution about the problems...
I don't think so if KARWA can accomodate all the people here in QATAR..
1.Doha needs more taxi units..
2. some drivers need a bath very bad, or if it's the passenger, they should at least furnish the cars with air freshener, i mean it's not that expensive to get one right?
3. they need to teach some of their drivers good manners, right conduct and professionalism towards work.. i didn't know Karwa drivers now have the right to choose passengers,.. or do they? we were waiting on the road for a taxi one morning, and we hailed this karwa so he stopped by. he asked as where we were going so we said Villaggio, and then the next thing we knew, he was saying he can't take us there and proceeded to move away from us.. but before he got far, i called him an a**hole, so he came back and asked me what i called him.. he asked for it by the way and i did not regret having called him that. i dialled their hotline to file a complaint against him and i hope the management look into it coz there are lots of drivers doing this,..refusing customers even when they don't have a booking to go to, Villaggio was only about 5 minutes away from where we stood so i find his excuse unacceptable..
But let's face it guy's..... Doha really really needs more Taxi's on the road's whether smelly or not.
Almost all of us must have gone through the horrific ordeal of waiting for one on the streets or even countless failed attempts of booking one through the phone.....so smelly Karwa's is not the problem here.
Title should read "Malodourous Karwa Taxi" When it's hot outside and sweaty workers get in and out of these taxis, offcourse they are bound to smell, you dimwits.
ibun na lumilipad, hagos ng tubig at kaluskos ng dahon.... mabangis na hayop, madaming itlog ng langgam, huni ng tiririt at isang mabahong itik.
"katas ng qatar"
when he told you the meter was not working, you should've called their office #, see how he reacts to it..
Ill tell u sumthin new....n it just happened to me yesterday..... I had to come back from najma to my house in mugalina and luckily i got a cab .....from the way he stopped i got his first impression ....as soon as iput my hand out he screeched the brakes and the tires skid then when i got near him another pal of his turned up and they wer chatting loudly as if they had no other work and were exchanging cd's then i got really frustrated and told this guy my destination as though indirectly tellin him to leave then he takes his u turn with full accel and then after 2 mins i notice that he didnt put on the meter ...he said it was not working(the usual excuse to pocket the money).About his driving on the road u dont wanna kno.......finally when i reached my destination he asked me for sum money which i beleev was no less than the meter price n dats y i payed him. i know i wasnt suppposed to pay him but still in a country like this where u wait for taxis in the scorching hot sun for such a long time it kinda feels bad not to pay(n it feels like a blessing when u finally get a cab). Not sayin that i supported his excuse but if he asked for higher amount i definitely wud not have payed him.
tell us something new...
resoles_eleanor ....complain to their number....
The Karwa guys drive with their Air Cons switched off when they have no passengers....what do you expect?
Well...even if there are passengers to be picked up on the Road...the guy cant pull over.... as there is no such lane (almost 60% of the roads on Doha dont have pullover lanes)...and where there are pullover lanes, they are occupied by parked vehicles....
The Roads of Doha were not planed with Public Transportation in mind....
Most of the time these guys have to stop in traffic, dangerously, to pick up people .....
It suites Karwa to keep 75% of their vehicles in yard. So they can conveniently run their limousine service. Karwa should be fined for keeping a vehicle off the road for more than a certain period depending upon the seriousness of the repair.
go with the private/colurum cars...
or maybe you're BORED and have nothing else to write about.
When i did not have my licence I used Karwa.
Only used them for 1 day. They are smelly and bad drivers. As we say in Ireland; 'catch yourself on'.
You're kidding yourself.
yah open the window...
i always do that if i smell something bad inside karwa...
then i spray my perfume so the driver will notice the bad smell...
MyHotComments +
I've gone in Karwas quite a few times, and I haven't noticed it smelling too bad. If in case it is, just open the window. Jeez.
whether its the driver who smells bad or the last passenger ..the suggestion is to karwa to provide freshners in karwa taxi
the driver it self that is driving the taxi that smells. no more no less!
may be the odour in the taxi is because of the previous pasenger n not becoz of driver ..
well better they have air freshners in their cars
.ODOROUS KARWA TAXI -not a new issue.
.provide fresheners inside the taxi -yeah right....
.that's all......