
Arien, Formatted Soul, Alexa, Vegas, Gypsy, Lously, Da, et al
Guys it's been a blast but I have an addictive personality and I have to ease up on all this QLing. So happy QLing people, keep the fire going. You guys do make a difference. I need to get back to work, LOLLLL.
For those Iv pissed off, hehe I'd do it again. Take it all with a pinch of salt.
Enough with this love letter...for those that know me personally see you guys soon.
Long live QL (LOL)
sawa sawa labda .. done
- Listen to Many...Speak to a Few -
Know what you mean about that addictive personality thing!
responded...If I knew that I would be confused with someone else coz my initials are FU...I would have still had them...lol..
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
labda and FS i stand corrected.. now i know.. :D
And no FriedUnicorn and Funiculus are not one and the same!!! hehehe...but there is this HSBC-Exec who seems very similar, dunno, hehee....talk soon!!
mjamille, will text you the details.
Arien, ROFL, ni kazi tu, Tusker when you get back, sawaz!!
mj they are differnt..:)
Watdapak!!! am not getting you..wher the heck are you goin? poa veve poa.
- Listen to Many...Speak to a Few -
lol labda, what time is your walk anyway? maybe i can still catch up after TT.... :P
lol labda, isn't Funiculus and Fried Unicorn one and the same?? or i must be wrong lol :P
yes, I dont have anything on today so I'll come.
Mjamille, you can still come!!! Who wants to play TT when you can go for a walk, hehe
Azi, will miss everything about QL. See you at the meets!! Oh just one thing, if Funiculus or one of his spawns comes back, pls lemme know. Im a glutton for his posts, haha.
aww you having a walk this evening and im gonna miss it.. :P
yes but you didnt come yet:( are you coming? will text you the details...
Formatted Soul, LOL, not only MMM's but our walks too!!! Are we on for this evening?
will miss you here on QL :(
Labda...dont leave us..have mercy on us..lol am i gonna meet you for upcoming MMMs?
tess LOL are you QIA Director?! hehehe Thank you :)
Loulsy, ya, no way you can get away from me :P
i will miss u on QL :( but only on QL hehehehehehe
Britexpat, merci bien!! Will do.
FriedUnicorn, I have no words for you, you tortured soul :P
Just trying to figure...lol :)
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
LOL FriedUnicorn, if you're that hung up on Gypsy you should probably not meet her in person, you'd head the Stalkers club!!!!
Live Long and Prosper Labda ....
We'll always be here .... Keep in touch...
...lol...will take sometime to recover.....lol
Thank god I have TT today and tomorrow and Tennis in the evening tomorrow...I need to spend more time outside QL...lol
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
oh please FU, tell me "SHE's" not the lady friend that you're bringing with u.... :P
ok FU, :D
FriedUnicorn, you actually found a lady friend!!! Miss Keen finally conceded, eh?! haha
someonenew, will keep in touch via FB. ;)
Leaving office in another 30 mins...will relax and bring her...:)
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
ei FU, you better show up with your lady friend tonight ok.. :P
Have fun Labda! I'll be on and off, message me in facebook when you have the time:)
"Ali Baba and 40 thieves" are now "Ali Baba and 30 thieves" ; 10 were laid off.
with chipsy up there...Thanks once again labda...rofl...:)
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
I did? when???! :P See you big guy!!
but you just came girl.
oh so you'll still be around then... ;)
Gypsy, see you at the next drink up.
FriedUnicorn, uhmmm, my workplace, hehehe...mentally :)
Johnpur, watdapak, sorry typo!! MAJOR typo! I meant Delhi_boy!
I cant make it next week either - work.
Hahaha, Im jus switching QL for work, hehe.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
Dear labda,
Why is my name not on the list above?...lol
See ya around Labda. :)
ok labda... im not sure yet if i can come to the MMM lunch next week as it's a work day for me but i will try my best... :)
but hey, you haven't answered my Q yet, what's with the love letter? lol
I'll send u a PM with my no. plus there are the MMM's!!! hehehe
heeeyyyyyy labda, where you going?????? we haven't had coffee yet...... :(