help with drug/beauty stores

Can anyone tell me if there are any drug store type shops in Doha? In the UK we have Boots & Superdrug - is there anything similar here? Carrefour do have a large toiletries range, but there are a few things that I want that they don't have......and I'm now getting desperate!!
Many thanks,
Hi everybody,
I have just registered to this forum because I'll be coming to Doha in less than a month to work as a piano entertainer. As you can imagime I have already started packing my luggage, but there is one very big problem standing in front of me: the max. weight of my luggage is supposed to be no more than 20 kilos. The suitcase is 5 kg, so my stuff can not be more than 15 kg. That makes the job very hard because I am a woman and I use a lot of cosmetics as I want to look good on stage, but cosmetics weights terribly much!!! So I am considering buying most of the necessary cosmetics in City Centre Mall, but I have no idea about the prices there. For example... I will need sun protection oil/lotion, douche-gel, body lotion, shampoo, conditioner etc. I don't need products from very expencive trends, but still... I prefer good quality.
I hope you van help me with some info on the subject so i can make some plan for the luggage.
Thanks in advance :)
Hi guys! I'm back again! Thanks to all for your suggestions and comments! The cosmetics were brought to her successfully last January 23 and i think she is using it now. Thanks to all for the help specially han19!
@ han19
wow, 50qrs? that's a lot more cheaper than the 500qrs fee in one of the doctors there. Well, I don't know where is that, but I'll ask her about it. And I will definitely recommend her Dr Jameel! Thanks for the help! I really do appreciate it!
which is this place thats charging 500 for a consultation.
thats too much.
if you are in touch with her ask her to go to rafa polyclinic opposite homecentre jaidan flyover and meet dr jameel, a dermatologist.the comsultation is 50qrs or max will be 100, i dont think its more than 50qrs.i know this doctor personally and he is indian but good, he may be able to help her out.
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@ han19
yeah, I just hope so she can consult a doctor in qatar but she said that the consultation fee is 500 riyals which she can't afford yet because she is sending %90 of her salary to her family every month and 500 riyals is already big money in the Philippines...
I don't know if she found any clearasil there, she wouldn't let me buy it here if she knows where to buy there in the first place.
Thanks han! will definitely advise her that! thanks so much for the help!
@ pwb78
Ok, will definitely tell her that... thanks! And she doesn't drink coffee anymore... thanks all for the help!
The "Clean and Clear" line of products is good and available at Carrefour and most pharmacies. I think it's made by Maybelline. I've used them for years. And Han19 is right - more water and less caffeine.
it is extremely kind of you to help your friend and her mother consulting the doctor isnt the same as your frind doing it herself.acne can be of different types, she needs to consult with a doctor to find the underlying problem, if any and then take i had mentioned before, stress, place, environment, her age, her internal body functions all play a part in it and the best person to guide would be the doctor.
there are good pharmacies here and i have seen many anti acne products and cleansers too.
clearsil is a common product, shouldnt it be available here?
ask her to use a soaop called acne-aid, available in any pharmacy, it dries the acne out.also she needs to drink more than 8glasses of water, sometimes the smallest change in lifestyle can go a long way.
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@ han19
Yeah, I think they can bring it to qatar but just kept in their luggages... Liquid substances are prohibited to be hand carried while traveling because they're kinda scared on terrorist attacks, you know.
@ Wanda
Hi there kabayan! thanks for the reply! Well, she is looking for clearasil and cetaphil (both products I will try to send her). Do you happen to know where she can buy those products or can she even find a good pharmacy store that sells facial cleanser, anti-acne gels, those stuff?
Well, her mother consulted a dermatologist already and she bought some cosmetics that I have now to send her...
Thanks again!
hi roseofshadow.. im a Filipina. yes, there are only a few cosmetics/toiletries from the PHils that you can buy here. What particular product does she needs anyway? True, sending cosmetics & medicines to Qatar through courier is not allowed.
Han19 is right, its also proper to consult a dermatologist before using a product if acne is her major problem, otherwise the product might aggravate it.
you are welcome rosesofshadow.
if she agrees to get it along with her, it shouldnt be a problem travelling with it, unless its banned substance. many people travel with medications from their home country,something they need thats not available here.
take care
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Yeah, she doesn't seem to find the products she is looking for, or perhaps any cosmetic product that's why she is asking me to send her products from the Philippines...
Yes, in fact, by saturday, I'll be meeting someone who is going to Qatar and hopefully she agrees on delivering the products to her... I just hope so, thanks han!
if some one is travelling from philipines, you could arrange it to be hand delivered to her here.
is that possible, if she doesnt find the stuff here?
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@ han19
Thanks! Yeah, I think stress adds more to her problem that's why I told her that she must not think about the pimple problem because it will only add up. She also mentioned about the water in qatar, she said it's a bit different of what we have here in the Philippines. Whenever she takes a facial wash, she uses boiled water (cooled of course) for rinsing.
The cosmetics that I would send her is recommended by a dermatologist, but unfortunately, our government won't allow it.
@ kiarajane
are you filipina? it looks like you're filipina because you know RDL, and Liwanag is a Filipino word... anyways, thanks for the reply... I would definitely advise her to check out the Souq Filipino shop and RDL of course...
Many thanks guys!
Hello there, why don't you tell her to try RDL it comes from Philippines and you can find it at the Souq Filipino shop. I used to have this problem back in Saudi because we're living in Jubail which is Industrial area and the air is very polluted and it gives me big pimples and acne that I never had before but then my Auntie Liwanag told me to use this RDL and it works! use RDL # 3 for once a day for 2 weeks then move to # 2 twice a day for another 2 weeks then she'll see the difference. but tell her not to over do it.
its better she checks with a dermatoloist first before taking any topical treatment.most of the time its just not the weather but changes that take place from within due to the change in location, diet, stress and many other factors.using topical products may just aggravate what is already bad.
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Hey guys/gals, I'm just new here... I'm from the Philippines but my girlfriend is working in Doha, Qatar, in Marriot Hotel.
She is currently having problems with acne and pimples because her skin is not yet accustomed to Qatar's climate... anyways, I just want to ask where can she find a store that sells a wide range of cosmetics, i.e. pimple removal, facial cleanser, anti acne cream, anti pimple soap... hehe, sorry for the terms, I really don't know much about cosmetics really...
I just need to know where can she buy those products because she really is having a hard time finding cosmetics in Doha. Well, I have bought her many cosmetics here in the Philippines but our government won't allow export of any liquid substances/cosmetics. I'm still finding a way on how to ship those products to her...
Can you please help me on this guys/gals? I will very much appreciate it, thanks!
Thanks to you all for your comments, much appreciated - I have know found what I needed in the City Centre Mall :o)
the pharmacy in Lulu Hypermart sells a wide range of meds and toiletries.
It depends on what you want to buy. But remember you may not be able to get some of the stuffs that you expect to get in UAE or Bahrain. Since the market is small here pharmacies dont tend to stock stuffs they think do not have a demand.
more precisely what are you looking for?
i have been thought most pharmacies in th past weeks, so i may help you if i know what you are looking for.
are u looking for cosmetic range, herbs, medicines.....?
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The pharmacies are small but pretty well stocked. There's a nice one in City Center by the ice rink and tons around town. No big chain type drug stores here.