Dont buy gifts from Virgin

My daughter got 5 gifts from Virgin for her 7 yeasrs birthday, she didnt like them and we thought we can do an exchange only from virgin as you would do in any place in the world.the UPS numbur was still there and you can see its from virgin because people highlighted the name in black. We go to virgin at Villagio my daughter and I tring to choose other stuff while I see my husband talking with an ignorant manager who ask us for the reciept when we told him they are gifts from your store, then he ask my husband when did they buy the gifts? I couldnt belive it, my husband went crazy, and we left the store, please Dont buy any gifts from virgin at all thats my advice.
But how do I know if they are virgins? Do I have to check if they are wearing that poorly designed underwear mentioned in another thread?
Disbelief in magic can force a poor soul into believing in government and business.
Sucks when you get gifts that were either very useless or plain ugly..I think people should just give either gift cards which i doubt they have here or just money!! They give money in the states and my kids love it more than gifts..cause they can afford whatever it is that they want...
I think this "no returning policy" and even if u have receipts you only get credit..which sucks! we bought a table from home center nd then before even leaving the store we changed our minds..we went to return it but couldnt get money back only credit..Which sucks! Its like they want ur money and wont give it back to u after u changed ur now before buying anything we have to really think about it and if we really wanted it! crazy! They really need new policies!
Gifts are exactly that...GIFTS. You cant make a fuss over something u got for free. None the less if its their policy then there's nothing you can do about it but contact your friends and tell them to send you the receipts so u can do an exchange. :)
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
It is the policy of most stores in Qatar and the world that no receipt no exchange or refund.
The only time when we were allowed to exchange items without receipt was in Marks & Spencers, that was only because the Sale person assured us that if we are not happy we can exchange..
Derek Edward Trotter
By the time they reach me, they are no longer virgin.
is right.
If that is the case when someone is buying from a store the sales person should ask the buyer if it is a gift and offer them a gift receipt,which it shows only the UPS# and the date.
ok i will not buy any gifts for a VIRGIN....:)
most shops i know dont take back any goods without receipt.
Well, receipt is required as a policy matter i guess.
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur.