Chineese Goods in Qatar

By prabhathjp •
One of my friend said that China send their no 01 qality products to qatar and very low qality goods to other countries like Sri Lanka, Pllipine..etc. is that true....if so we can buy good quality chineese products here.......
I wanted the repplies just like shyams explanation...for an example you go to sofitel snd see all the items are from china...even without warranty...but we have no an other option....that is why i want to know what are the quality ones from china......
i agree with shyam but things which are for use and throw i guess you could rely on chinese quality.
There is a difference though in "made" and "assembled" ie all the parts were made in china and then also assembled by them as well, compared to quality parts being made and then assembled by cheap chinese labour.
that's exactly what i am trying to highlight. Chinese can do a quality product under the strict QA&QC. also can screw it if let loose under own brand.....
we must also appreciate the price drop in the electronics which we enjoy now is due to the low manufacturing cost by chinese.. imagine if made in USA can we expect the price which we have now???.. its win win situation for china-manufacturer-brand owner-customer.. so all happy :-).
shyams, yeah rite but the brands you have mentioned
MADE IN CHINA are all based on the standards set by their main office in Japan/USA. They are made from China because these companies is taking advantage of low manpower cost.
If the China Dolls at Ramada are anything to go by, then it is definitely NOT No1 quality.
firstly I am not chinese... so now i agree with all fellas here that Chinese good are so inferior in the quality as they come for the price.
BUT... can we name a item of well know brand which is not made in china??? may be a fraction, rest all come from PRC (People Republic of China) with the label MADE in CHINA ... take for instant the most popular mobile the iPhone where is made ONLY in china... check your Sony, Cannon, Panasonic, whatever.... all made in china...
so this means there is two face for a coin. China can make a quality items on a good brand.. at same time can make the most inferior item on imitation or brandless....
the other day i learnt from discovery channel Chinese imitation market fuels terrorism and black market indirectly, terrified!!!.
i never knew we are indirectly reason for black market by encouraging the black market by buying imitation goods from china and causing revenue loss to the original brand owner and to the country (no tax)......
so the moral.. :-) altast .. lol
dont buy cheap chinese goods for saving few pennies. neither they are of good quality nor helps economy of any country (of course help the maker,,, lol)
What is common perception if the products is made from China?
Price: Affordable; Cheaper price
Quality : ????
Try to look for a CE stamped on the item as this 'should' unless its been couterfeited mean it is of a certain quality to be certified for distribution in Europe.
We can see a lot of their not so good products in baby shops and electronic pits...sometimes people have no choice but to buy them just to save time looking for a better one.
And these Chinese are becoming a SWARM here in Qatar...
They already speak almost to the top of their voices like other arabs when speaking...The Locals have to do something to mediate, or neutralize their "incubation" in Qatar...correct me if i'm always say im wrong.
I saw how these people become MEAN back home.
I would imagine the costs of having to seperate high quality goods and low quality goods of the same type, off the same production line, ensure that they do not get mixed up and have seperate logistical chains will increase the costs of production. It makes no sense. We get the same quality products as the rest of the world does.
Good quality chineese products - is this joke ha ha gave me a good laugh. Does that mean it lasts more than one use?
"katas ng qatar"
i thought qatar banned chinese products like toys, i saw the thread the other day here in QL. what products are you refering to?
Everybody is right everybody is wrong, it depend where you stand
Ok to make it simple.
If you don't care about your life. Patronize their product. As easy as 1.2.3 you will be six feet below the ground....oops
They have some fair products too.
Hahaha... and play their toys.
"katas ng qatar"
How come? They send good quality here? OMG.
Even in their own country they tried to kill the babies, so how come they will give concern to other nationalities.
They don't care about the quality, they are after the quantity and the money.
just my 2 cents.
The Chinese make good quality products? Really?
yeah right :/