Availability of organic groceries?
By Serendipity •
I might be relocating to Doha for a new job and was wondering about the availability of organic fruit and vegetables and eco-friendly products more generally. Are they for sale in supermarkets as in the UK, or available only from specialist and very expensive stores or are they unavailable?
Thanks in advance for your responses.
Yes the same you mentioned.
Evening In a Sad City
You will find it a big challenge to find eco friendly and organic things here in Doha. Not like the UK where there is a huge market for such products.
There are only a very few things here that are eco friendly.
Generally this society unfortunately are one of the top 'throw away societies'
The govt are trying to educate but so far with little success.
Good luck in your hunt - maybe you need to order products over the internet or bring over in your suitcase!
Hi, thanks for your response treasures1234. They're also more expensive here in the UK, so no difference there!
Hi, sfd, I think I've seen the movie Serendipity, but I can't recall exactly. Is it the boy-meets-girl-loses-girl-finds-her-again film where someone loses a glove and they leave it to chance as to whether they will see one another again?
Serendipity: You see the movie *Serendipity* i see it three times. Nice name. Welcome on board
End of Life is a Start of New Life
you can find organic food in big super market but they are expensive